War Summary, Day Ninety Four: Hezbollah caused extensive damage to an IDF air traffic control base on mount Meron. A Chinese shipping giant announced that it will stop sailing to and from Israel due to Houthi pirates.
Can You Host a Shlucha for the Kinus?
Many Shluchos from around the world need where to stay when they come to Crown Heights for the kinus. Help pair up Shluchos and hosts for the Kinus Hashluchos.
Uplifting Hachnasas Sefer Torah Celebrated at the Entrance of Gaza
An emotional Hachnasa Sefer Torah took place at the army base at the entrance to Gaza, dedicated to the Golani Brigade.
Photographer Captures Devastation and Perseverance
Anash.org photographer Dovber Hechtman traveled to the south of Eretz Yisroel to document scenes from the devastation wrought by the accursed Hamas terrorists on Simchas Torah, and the ongoing efforts of the shluchim who continue to work, undeterred.
Our Communities
Why The Rebbe Sent His Mazkir To Give A Bochur A Jar Of Honey
Watch: At a recent farbrengen in Montreal, veteran London shliach Rabbi Shmuel Lew shared fascinating stories and memories of the Rebbe, including many personal stories.
Over 300 Bochurim Reach Halikut Siyum
Over the past few months, Bochurim in Yeshivos across the world have been learning Chelek Lamed of Likkutei Sichos; Finalists for the closing test in New York were announced.
CYP Encounter To Focus On Torah Study
500 young Jewish professionals are gearing up for the annual CYP Encounter in Crown Heights. In light of the tremendous awakening of Torah study amongst the young professional demographic, this year’s Shabbaton will feature a robust learning regimen featuring noted scholars.
L’Chaim: Kagan – Cohen
The L’Chaim of Yossi Kagan of Boca Raton, FL and Sari Cohen of North Miami Beach, FL was held Thursday night at The Shull.
Kashering at 212 Degrees
Ask the Rov: A certain kosher item was produced after kashering the machinery at less than 212° F. Is it acceptable? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
New ‘Likkutei Torah Ohr’ App Transforms Learning Experience
Rabbi Yosef Farkash, Mashpia at Yeshivas Ohr Yehuda in Kfar Chabad, joins forces with Project Likkutei Torah to assist in the expansion and enrichment of the “Likkutei Torah Ohr” app. This initiative aims to provide an enhanced user experience in English.
93rd Day: Hezbollah Ups the Ante, Israel to Ban UNRWA
War Summary, Day Ninety Three: A barrage of around 40 missiles were fired from Lebanon onto the Mount Meron area. Israel is working towards banning UNRWA from Gaza after the war.
Oholei Torah Remembers a Beloved Former Rebbi
This past week, Oholei Torah lost a long-time former Rebbi, Rabbi Chaim Burston a”h, a beloved Rebbi in Oholei Torah for many years before he moved to Los Angeles, where he continued his role in Chinuch.
L’Chaim: Sears – Hirsch
The L’Chaim of Mendel Sears of Monsey, NY, and Naomi Hirsch of Montreal, Canada, took place Thursday night at Ulam Chana.
Surfside Mayoral Candidate’s Promises Have Yidden Worried
Surfside, Florida, has become a kosher paradise in recent years, but campaign promises made by one of the two mayoral candidates has the Jewish community worried.
R’ Shlomo Zarchi Farbrengs at the Poconos Yeshiva
Mashpia at the Yeshiva in 770, R’ Shlomo Zarchi, traveled to the Yeshiva in the Poconos, where he farbrenged and inspired the bochurim with personal memories and stories of chassidim.
Wedding: Polter – Bronstein
The wedding of Shneor Polter of Oak Park, MI, and Sheva Bronstein of Crown Heights took place Thursday night in Razag Hall.
He Never Lifted His Eyes To See New York’s Skyscrapers
An early tomim, R’ Avrohom Elyeh Akslerod came to the US in 1924 where he served a rov in Baltimore. He continued to act just as in Lubavitch and the Frierdiker Rebbe had a unique compliment for him.
Erev Shabbos Shemos Around Crown Heights
The streets and shops of Crown Heights were full on Friday, as residents and guests prepared for Shabbos Parshas Shemos – Shabbos Mevorchim. Plus: Shalom Zachar list.
770 Temimim Mark 211th Yahrzeit of Alter Rebbe
The Alter Rebbe‘s yahrzeit on Chof Daled Teves was marked by bochurim learning in the 770 Yeshiva with a farbrengen led by mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi.
300 European Teens Unite in Barcelona Amidst Antisemitism Surge
Three Hundred Jewish teens from sixteen European countries united for an empowering Shabbat experience of Jewish pride and belonging in Barcelona, Spain.