New ‘Likkutei Torah Ohr’ App Transforms Learning Experience

Rabbi Yosef Farkash, Mashpia at Yeshivas Ohr Yehuda in Kfar Chabad, joins forces with Project Likkutei Torah to assist in the expansion and enrichment of the “Likkutei Torah Ohr” app. This initiative aims to provide an enhanced user experience in English.

Rabbi Yosef Farkash, Mashpia at Yeshivas Ohr Yehuda in Kfar Chabad, joins forces with Project Likkutei Torah (PLT) to assist in the expansion and enrichment of the “Likkutei Torah Ohr” app. This initiative aims to provide an enhanced user experience in English, among other notable upgrades.

Launched just over two years ago during the Kinus HaShluchim 5782 weekend, the Hebrew version of the app, “לקוטי תורה אור,” was introduced to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Rebbe’s Sicha. In this address, the Rebbe emphasized the importance of shluchim and Anash to learn the teachings of Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah in their entirety, including the discourses on Shir HaShirim.

The Hebrew version of the app has been steadily improving for the past two years. It enables users to delve into each Maamar corresponding to the weekly Chassidisher Parsha in the original text, as a Hebrew summary, or through an audio shiur, with features including progress tracking for learned Maamarim and library to access any maamar.

“While the current version has gained immense popularity in Eretz Yisroel, we haven’t seen a major adoption in the United States. However, we hope to see that change very soon with the implementation of these new upgrades,” says Yaakov Cahnman, Director of PLT. 

Proposed Feature Upgrades Include:

– Account creation for progress tracking across multiple devices

  • – Improved graphics, aesthetics, and user experience
  • – Option to select English or Hebrew user experience, as well as Israel or Chutz La’aaretz settings
  • – Dedicated display of dedications atop any given Maamar or parsha
  • – Increased shiur options with multiple speakers for each language
  • – Personalized ‘Library’ to monitor progress in each Chassidishe Parsha
  • – Weekly quota split into manageable ‘daily portions’
  • – Ability to download shiur for offline learning
  • – Text with Nekudos and Ha’aros from
  • – Various bug fixes

The current version is available for download on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. However, these proposed upgrades rely on community contributions to the app’s team page.

Project Likkutei Torah is a grassroots project to help ensure that:

  1. Every Jew should have the resources to Learn, Live, and Love the Chassidic Parshah Insights of Torah Ohr / Likkutei Torah.
  2. Every Chassid should feel inspired and empowered to fulfill the Rebbe’s request to complete Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah.

PLT was founded by R’ Betzalel Bassman לע”נ פיגא בת בצלאל הכהן בסמן ע”ה and launched by R’ Meir and Shaindy Gutnick. Please visit for more information and to contribute to their general campaign or click here to give specifically to help fund the new app features.

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