Photographer Captures Devastation and Perseverance photographer Dovber Hechtman traveled to the south of Eretz Yisroel to document scenes from the devastation wrought by the accursed Hamas terrorists on Simchas Torah, and the ongoing efforts of the shluchim who continue to work, undeterred. photographer Dovber Hechtman traveled to the south of Eretz Yisroel to document scenes from the devastation wrought by the accursed Hamas terrorists on Simchas Torah, and the ongoing efforts of the shluchim who continue to work, undeterred. 

He photographed the area where hundreds of burned cars were brought to. The cars, which had belonged to murdered participants of music festival, paint a painful picture of the death and destruction which took place on that day.

He also captured a scene of resilience and perseverance: The home of Sderot shliach Rabbi Chananel Pizam, which suffered heavy damage from a direct by a Hamas rocket. Yet, despite it all, Rabbi Pizam and the other shluchim continue their activities in the city, encouraging and assisting the remaining residents and IDF soldiers entering or leaving Gaza.

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