Uplifting Hachnasas Sefer Torah Celebrated at the Entrance of Gaza

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/ Anash.org

An emotional Hachnasa Sefer Torah took place at the army base at the entrance to Gaza, dedicated to the Golani Brigade.

Chabad Mitzvah Tanks of Eretz Yisroel brought a Hachnasas Sefer Torah celebration to the army base at the entrance of Gaza, to share in the joy of the Torah and uplift the spirit of the soldiers heading to battle.

The writing of the Torah commenced throughout the communities of the Gaza Envelope, and upon its completion, a festive procession made its way to the main base at the entrance of Gaza. Hundreds of soldiers, having left their posts, joined the procession to dance and revel in the joy of the Torah.

Throughout the evening, the soldiers were treated to a lavish barbecue, generously provided by Beit Davis Catering. Rabbi David Nachshon, the head of Chabad Mitzvah Tanks of Eretz Yisroel, expressed gratitude to Rabbi Yitzchak Kogan and his family for their donation of the Sefer Torah.

The celebration brought joy and hope to the soldiers gathered at the base and uplifted the spirits of all those who gathered to join in the simcha and achdus of the Sefer Torah.

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