War Summary, Day One Hundred and Ninety One: IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said that Israel intercepted 99% of the projectiles fired at Israel from Iran last night, the IDF is preparing to call up two reserve brigades to the Gaza front for “operational missions,” and IDF combat engineers built a bridge for tanks to cross over the Wadi Gaza river.
Sefer Torah Welcomed at 770 in Memory of Miriam Shmueli
A new Sefer Torah was dedicated to 770 by the Shmueli family in memory of their dear daughter and sister Miriam.
L’Chaim: Wells – Laber
The L’Chaim of Aryeh Wells of New York, NY, to Chana Laber of Rensselaer, NY, was celebrated at the Ulam Chana hall in Crown Heights.
At Warsaw Layover, Bochurim Visited Site of Rebbe’s Chassuna
After an uplifting stay in New York, the Netanya Yeshiva headed back with a stopover in Warsaw to visit the site of the Rebbe’s chuppa and wedding meal where they danced and said l’chaim.
Chabad Frontline Soldier Concludes Chicago Speaking Tour
Major Ezzy Morgenstern, an American-born chossid in the IDF, has recently concluded a speaking tour in Chicago, captivating audiences with his journey from Yeshiva to the front lines of the Israeli military.
Our Communities
The History and Halacha of ‘Gebrokts’
Chassidim refrain from eating knaidlech, matzah brei or any wet matza on Pesach. What is the basis for this chumra? Listen to a fascinating shiur about its history and halachic implications by Rabbi Eliyahu Rapoport of Beis Menachem Chicago.
Ein Gedi, Masada, and Yam Hamelach
On a tour of Eretz Yisroel, Photographer Mordechai Lubecki captured the beautiful sights and scenes of Ein Gedi, the Masada Fortress, and the Dead Sea – Yam Hamelach.
Ask-The-Rav Hotline Extends Hours for Pesach
As every home gears up for Pesach, the AskTheRav hotline has announced extended operating hours, offering full service from 10 am to 10 pm for the week leading up to Yom Tov.
Oxford Shliach Publishes Medieval Ashkenaz Haggadah
A manuscript of the oldest Ashkenazi Haggadah has been published for the first time in a format perfect for your Seder table by shliach to Oxford, UK, Rabbi Eli Brackman, and is available in Crown Heights stores.
ULY Students Try Their Hands at Matza Baking
First through fourth grade students at United Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown Street hosted the Traveling Model Matzah Bakery with wheat stalks, brick oven, and millstones, all on location like an old-world Shmura Matzah bakery.
Girls Show Off Useful Robots at Inventions Fair
Sixth graders at Lubavitch Educational Center in Miami use their knowledge of STEM, circuitry, and robotics to invent useful devices including hydraulic arms and an electric ice cream scooper.
Hydroponic Vegetables for Maror
Ask the Rov: What bracha is hydroponic lettuce and can it be used for maror at the seder? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
Website Launched to Ease Shluchim’s Pesach Workload
The list of tasks in the approach to Pesach seems endless: cleaning, purchasing Shmurah Matzah, outfits for the kids, etc. Adding a Chabad House to run lengthens that list exponentially. A new website solves that issue.
War Day 190: Iran Launches Massive Attack of Missile, Drones
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Ninety: Iran launched hundreds of attack drones and missiles toward Israel which the Israeli Air Force and coalition forces have downed, Iranian IRGC hijacked an Israeli-linked ship, top Hamas commanders eliminated, and the missing 14-year-old Israeli shepherd boy was killed by terrorists.
The Bochur Who Stumped the Rogatchover Gaon
When Reb Berel Garfinkel was twenty-one, he knew all of Shas with Rashi, Tosfos, and other rishonim, as well as all the printed maamorim – by heart! Yet, he carried no air of pride or feigned “humility.”
L’Chaim: Schild – Rothman
The L’Chaim of Mendy Schild of Monsey, NY, and Chani Rothman of Sharon, MA, was celebrated at The Shull in Crown Heights.
Rare 254-Year-Old Manuscript Turns Up in Bnei Brak Home
A 254-year-old Nusach Arizal siddur written by the Baal Shem Tov’s student and mekubal R’ Shabsi of Rashkov, the copy of which was used by the Rabbeim at the seder and during tekios, was discovered in a collector’s home in Bnei Brak.
Preparing for Shabbos in the Holy City
Residents of the holy city of Yerushalayim busied about in shopping and spiritual preparation for the holy day of Shabbos.
Erev Shabbos Around Crown Heights
Anash.org photographer Shalom Ross captured Crown Heights residents and guests fill the streets and shops in preparation for Shabbos. Plus Shalom Zachar list.
CGI Detroit Announces Teen Camp Head Staff
As High schoolers around the world eagerly countdown the days until Detroit Teen Camp’s new program, CGI Detroit announces the head counselors leading this year’s teen division.
Jewish Parents Celebrated at the CKids International Shabbaton
Amidst the bustling energy of the CKids International Shabbaton, parents from around the world experienced a robust line-up of insightful and entertaining workshops, classes, and programming.
Fourth Graders Host Carnival to Support Maos Chitim
In a heartwarming act, fourth-grade students at Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles hosted a Purim carnival, not for their own benefit, but to raise funds for Pesach needs of local families.
Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim Coming to Crown Heights this Pesach
Attention all Yeshiva Bochurim spending Pesach in Crown Heights – a special Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim program is being organized just for you with breakfast and stipends!
‘If You Want To Learn From Me…’
Though some chassidim avoided the Tiferes Yisrael commentary on Mishnayos, the Rebbe said he used it. But when Reb Osher Sasonkin said he would therefore copy the Rebbe, the Rebbe advised him to copy him in other ways.