At a farbrengen that went into the wee hours of the morning, anash and bochurim in North Miami Beach were inspired by stories of mesiras nefesh by visiting mashpia Rabbi Yossi Paltiel.
On Wednesday night, Yeshiva Torah Ohr, Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach, and Congregation Magen Dovid hosted a farbrengen to celebrate the liberation of the Frierdiker Rebbe.
The noted mashpia Rabbi Yossi Paltiel told over the story of the liberation and mesiras nefesh of the Frierdiker Rebbe to a packed house of hundreds who showed up for the event, as well as thousands of viewers who joined online via live broadcast.
The farbrengen lasted to the wee hours of the morning and brought inspiration to all those who joined.
Special thanks to Shimon Tewel for the amazing chasidishe niggunim he provided during the event which brought inspiration to all who came out to honor this auspicious day.
Watched it live. Very inspirational. Well worth the 2.5-3 hours.