“Her Family Was in the Fire:” The Russian Mesiras Nefesh Continues

Watch: In a touching personal message, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky, Assistant Director of the Chabad Rabbinate in Israel, reveals how his family history informs his work in the Reshet.

As a young girl in Russia, Rochel Baila Mishulovin grew up in a house saturated with mesiras nefesh. She and her siblings never attended a Soviet school, despite immense pressure from the authorities on every parent.

Years later, a decade after her family managed to leave the USSR and emigrate to Eretz Yisroel, she married Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky, who today serves as Assistant Director of the Beis Din Rabbonei Chabad of Eretz Yisroel.

But her families mesiras nefesh for chinuch didn’t stop there. In a touching video production, Rabbi Gluckowsky tells how this history informs his work on the board of Reshet Oholei Yosef Yitzchok today.

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In accordance with the custom established by the Rebbe, the Reshet is currently holding their annual Yud Beis Tammuz Magbis.

Every year on Yud Beis Tammuz, the Rebbe would encourage chassidim to donate to the Reshet, often saying that they should donate on their own behalf and on behalf of each member of their family.

Seize the opportunity to fulfill the Rebbe’s request and receive the brachos the Rebbe would grant each year, and surely continues to grant today.

All donors who donate $120 and above will be entered into a raffle for two tickets to Israel, where they will be able to see their impact first hand.

Please visit TheRebbesMagbis.com to donate now!


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