Montreal Boys Enjoy Chai Elul Seder Nigunim

Boys in the Montreal Cheder held a beautiful Seder Nigunim in honor of Chai Elul, featuring guest speaker, Rabbi Mendel Duchman from LA, who spoke to the boys about how special they are to be the Rebbe’s children.


Year-Round Programming Kicks Off With Shabbos Party

Every Friday, children of Shluchim eagerly await getting together for a unique event filled with music, games, stories and much more all in the Shabbos spirit. With interactive activities, inspiring entertainment and so many surprises, the children look forward to it every week.


English Letters on American Day Schools and WWII Soldiers

This week’s collection of letters includes correspondence with President Ronald Reagan about Chai Elul and establishing a Jewish Day School in a small American town. An added teshura includes 15 letters from 1944 showing care for WWII soldiers, as well as a brief biography and letters to Max Schrieber, a philanthropist who oversaw the construction of over 300 Mikvaos.


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Going to Battle with Joy!

After a joyous song, during a farbrengen about teshuva with joy, a chossid shouted “Nasha biriyot!” – “We won!” The Rebbe accepted and added that soldiers going out to war march with a victorious song, giving them strength of heart.


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Blind Spots: The Limits of Lifnei Iver

In this week’s Choshen Mishpat Renaissance podcast, Rabbi Berel Polityko discusses the halachos of buying stolen goods and their broader implications for the concepts of לפני עור (placing a stumbling block before the blind) and מסייע (aiding others in sin).


War Day 349: Israel Prevents 1,000 Rockets, 2 Killed in Drone Attack

War Summary, Day 349: The IDF shot at 100 Hezbollah rocket launchers which were primed with around 1,000 barrels for immediate attacks on Israel, Israel offered a deal which would allow Yahya Sinwar a safe exit from Gaza in exchange for the release of all 101 hostages at once, and Americans no longer think a hostage deal is in the near future.


Baby Boy
ט״ז אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 19, 2024

First Day at The Nigri Jewish Online School

Children from around the world were welcomed on their first day at the Nigri International Jewish Online School of the Shluchim Office, a sister-school of the Shluchim Online School is for all Jewish children from all walks of life.


This Is What Saved My Marriage

In recent months, we’ve seen a wave of articles discussing the challenges of marriage and rising divorce rates in the Frum community. While every marriage has its own unique struggles, not every issue stems from the dramatic circumstances often described in these stories.


Time’s Running Out – Enter the Bayis Raffle Today!

Only one week remains to purchase tickets for the Bayis Raffle, offering extraordinary prizes to support Hafotzas Hamayanos, including a framed dollar from the Rebbe and a rare bottle of undiluted Kos Shel Bracha from the Rebbe.


Successful Zman Begins at the Moscow Mesivta

In a newly renovated campus with an expanded team of hanhala, the new zman began with great success at the Yeshiva Ketana of Moscow, just 4-5 hours from where the Rebbe Rashab established Tomchei Temimim 128 years ago.


The Man Who Fired Himself

Rabbi Levi Garelik‘s parents, Rabbi Gershon Mendel and Rebbetzin Bessie Garelik, wanted to go on shlichus, but the Rebbe wouldn’t send them due to Rabbi Garelik’s position at a yeshiva. Wanting to go very strongly, Rabbi Garelik got creative…


Argentina Bochurim Grilled on Bava Basra on Stage

Eight bochurim in the Buenos Aires yeshiva learned the entire Bava Basra by heart, and were tested over thirteen hours to recite it in one straight go. The yeshiva celebrated it with a grand melava malka and an on-stage Gemara chidon.


War Day 348: IDF Chief Warns of More Surprises, Strong Signs of Imminent Ground Entry

War Summary, Day 348: Hundreds of Hezbollah walkie-talkies explode across Lebanon, IDF chief says more surprises to come, Iran evacuates blinded ambassador and 90 more terrorists, four fallen heroes in Gaza and several injured, reserve generals and ministers push for the “General’s Plan” in Gaza, Gallant says center of gravity is shifting to the north, and strong signs of imminent ground maneuver in Lebanon as 98th Division is rerouted.


9 New Hanhala for the Thriving 770 Yeshiva

In honor of the new zman and the growing number of bochurim who are coming to learn in the Central Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva in 770, the hanhala announced on 15 Elul the appointment of 9 new hanhala members who will join the existing staff.

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