Going to Battle with Joy!

After a joyous song, during a farbrengen about teshuva with joy, a chossid shouted “Nasha biriyot!” – “We won!” The Rebbe accepted and added that soldiers going out to war march with a victorious song, giving them strength of heart.

As the Chai Elul 5711 farbrengen drew to a close, the Rebbe addressed how to approach the following days of teshuva.

“There are two approaches. The method of fear and bitterness, which is easier, and the method of love and joy, which is good and pleasant…”

With that, the Rebbe asked for a joyous nigun, and got up to dance at his place.

As the song winded down, one Chossid announced, “Nasha biriyot!”

The Rebbe accepted this, and said, “Indeed, nasha biriyot, which is Russian for ‘we won,’ is correct and appropriate here. Soldiers going out to war march with a victorious song, despite it being a difficult battle. This is because the most important factor in the war is strength of heart!”

(Toras Menachem vol 3 p. 157)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash


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