A never-before-published response from forty years ago, released now by Rabbi Shalom Ber Levine of the Rebbe’s library, clarifies the Rebbe‘s basic requirements for building a city eruv.
Have You Considered Paying?
OpEd by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon: Tishrei is always an exciting time in Crown Heights, and bochurim can benefit from many uplifting farbrengens. But there is one thing which can ruin many a good farbrengen.
The Frierdiker Rebbe’s Pre-Rosh Hashana Postcard
Pirsum Rishon: An image of a pre-Rosh Hashanah card written by the Frierdiker Rebbe to the bochurim learning in Lubavitch is being published for the first time, exclusively on Anash.org.
Download and Print: The Rebbe’s Pre-Hakhel Message
Every year, the Rebbe would issue a michtav kloli before Rosh Hashana, addressing the theme of the upcoming year. In the letter sent in 5740, the Rebbe wrote about the significance of the upcoming Hakhel year. Read and download here.
Anash.org’s Most Read Articles of 5782
Revealed miracles and miracles in hindsight, exciting discoveries, new projects, and frauds in marriage and in kashrus. Here are the most-read articles on Anash.org of this past year.
Anash.org’s Best Features and Editorials of 5782
Over the last year, Anash.org has brought Lubavitch not only quality and meaningful news, but also many thought-provoking articles and essays. As 5782 draws to a close, we bring you the best twenty features and submissions from this past year.
5782: The Year in Review
As we conclude the last moments of 5782 and prepare for the start of the new year, Anash.org remembers the tears and the joys, the hardship and hope of a year gone by.
When the Dogs Lead the People
Harav Yaakov Viderevitch, Moscow Rov and later of New York, was once taking a walk with Mr. Zev Wissotzky, founder of the famous tea company. A conversation about the dogs turned into an important lesson for Mr. Wissotzky.
Discovery Sheds Light on Rebbe’s Quest to Find Out Fate of Rebbetzin Sheina
The second day of Rosh Hashanah will mark the 80th yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Sheina Horenshtein, who was murdered by the Nazis in Treblinka. The Rebbe led a quiet effort to find out about her fate without causing pain to the Frierdiker Rebbe.
High-Quality Photo of Rebbe’s Grandfather Revealed on Yahrzeit
For decades, the only photograph of the Rebbe’s zeide, Harav Meir Shlomo Yanovsky, was an unclear, low-quality copy. A high-quality original has been uncovered for the first time on his 89th yahrzeit.