
From Kazakhstan to New York, and Back

A beautiful new magazine was published in honor of Chof Av, telling stories of Jewish heroism; Harav Levi Yitzchok‘s exile in Kazakhstan, Rebbetzin Chana‘s escape to America, and the Rebbe’s shluchim return to the country.


Live: Nine Days Siyum Broadcast

Live at 7:00 PM: Following the Rebbe’s instruction to hold siyumim daily, a live siyum will be broadcast by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Geisinsky, Magid Shiur at Yeshivas Achei Tmimim and Hadar Hatorah, on masechta Sukkah.


Open Positions is looking to grow its staff of writers and content managers.

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The Summer That Changed Everything

Mr. Kory Bardash of Efrat, founder of ATARA for girls out of foster care and co-chair of the Republican Party in Israel, speaks of the life-changing impact of a yechidus with the Rebbe had on him and his family.


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Baby Girl
י״א אב ה׳תשפ״ד - August 15, 2024

War Day 313: Cyber Attack on Iranian Finance System, 5 Terrorists Killed

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi inspects a large smuggling tunnel on the Gaza-Egypt border.

War Summary, Day 313: A major cyber attack hit the Central Bank of Iran and several other banks, leading to widespread disruptions in the country’s banking system, major counter-terrorism operation in Tubas leader to 5 dead terrorists, and the NYT received leaked negotiation documents.


They Lost Their Way – Purposely

After losing their way, a group of bochurim on Merkos Shlichus in Southern France asked for directions. Incredibly, the person they asked was Jewish, leading to a whole series of mitzvos.


Live: Nine Days Siyum Broadcast

Live at 7:00 PM: Following the Rebbe’s instruction to hold siyumim daily, a live siyum will be broadcast by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Geisinsky, Magid Shiur at Yeshivas Achei Tmimim and Hadar Hatorah, on masechta Makkos.


War Day 312: Car Explodes Near Chevron, U.S. Approves Fighter Jets Sales

A car exploded near Chevron in what seems to have been a failed terror attack.

War Summary, Day 312: A car exploded in the Arab section of Chevron causing several Palestinian casualties and possible deaths, US Secretary of State approved the sale of 25 F-15IA fighter jets and kits for Israel’s F-15 aircrafts in an $18.82 billion sale, and pressure from multiple countries is on Hamas to join the summit on Thursday to discuss the war.


Pull Apart Challah for Lechem Mishneh? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including tree swing on Shabbos, birkas haTorah when waking up during the night, and what day to keep Shabbos on the American Samoa islands.


Live: Nine Days Siyum Broadcast

Live at 7:00 PM: Following the Rebbe’s instruction to hold siyumim daily, a live siyum will be broadcast by Rabbi Yankel Braun on masechta Smachos.


Bonei Olam Men’s Event: Will You Be There?

Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 14th, Bonei Olam Chabad will be holding its annual Men’s Event at The Arches featuring incredible performances and a kumzitz by Abie Rotenberg, Shlomo Simcha, and The Prime Singers Choir.


Baby Boy
ט׳ אב ה׳תשפ״ד - August 13, 2024
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