The Pre-1a and first grade students of Darchei Menachem each had celebrations to mark the milestones they achieved with learning to read inside their siddurim and starting to learn chumash inside.
Kretchnifer Rebbe of Kiryat Gat Visits the Ohel
Harav Dovid Moshe Rosenbaum, the Kretchnifer Rebbe of Kiryat Gat, known for his study and teaching of Chassidus Chabad to his community, visited the Ohel to daven.
Wedding: Khazanovich – Baumgarten
The wedding of Aron Meir Khazanovich of Sharon, MA, and Leah Baumgarten of East Hamptons, NY, took place at Razag Hall.
War Day 127: Massive Hamas Tunnel Found Under UNRWA Gaza HQ
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Twenty-Seven: No new IDF deaths announced since Wednesday – Baruch Hashem! – no Hamas rockets since Thursday night, and UNRWA’s covering for Hamas is finally being displayed to the world.
Our Communities
Members of 770’s Dayanus Program ‘Immerse’ in Mikvaos
Participants in 770’s Dayanus program received guidance in the practical aspects of building and maintaining a kosher mikveh through in-depth shiurim by world-renowned expert Harav Yirmiyah Katz and hands-on tour by veteran mikveh builder Rabbi Elozor Raichik.
Seder Nigunim Releases Mashpia’s Favorite Nigun
The ‘Seder Nigunim’ project together with singer Shlomo Simcha released “Reb Shlomo Chaim’s Nigun,” known as such since it was beloved by the renowned mashpia Reb Shlomo Chaim Kessleman.
Raising “Awareness” Isn’t Always a Great Idea
In recent times, “raising awareness” has become all the rage, while “shoving things under the rug” is now a universal evil. I wonder if we may have gone a little overboard by removing the rug entirely.
Knesset Speaker Davens at the Ohel for Israel’s Success
Speaker of the Knesset Amir Ohana visited the Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens where he davened for Israel’s success in the Gaza war.
Chabad Raises the Bar for Bar Mitzvah Education
For many young Jews today, their Bar Mitzvah celebration sadly signals an end to their Jewish education. BAM aims to transform the Jewish rite of passage from a closing ceremony into the first step in a personal Jewish journey.
President Milei Concludes Trip with Special Gift from Shluchim
At the conclusion of an extensive visit to the Holy Land, shluchim presented Argentinian President Javier Milei with a framed photo and Shekel bill from the Rebbe. Overcome with emotion, the president said that the Rebbe’s picture hangs prominently in his office.
FCC Bans Robocall Telemarketing with AI Voices
In an effort to curb scams, the FCC has introduced a regulation banning robocalls that use artificial intelligence to mimic human voices without explicit consent from the recipient.
L’Chaim: Green – Cuellar
The L’Chaim of Max Green of Anchorage, AK, and Elianah Cuellar of Bogotá, Colombia, took place on Thursday night in Crown Heights.
Food Under a Bed, Stroller or Airplane Seat
Ask the Rov: I forgot food under a stroller with my child sleeping. May the food be eaten? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
Chabad Teacher Dies Two Months After Brother Killed in Gaza
Rabbi Nadav Yehuda Natan, a melamed at the Chabad Cheder in Chadera, passed away of heart failure just two months after his brother, Yissachar Natan HYD, fell in battle with Hamas terrorists.
“I’m a Living Miracle of the Rebbe” Video: In this newly released film, California businessman Yisroel Litkowski tells the incredible story of the Rebbe’s miracle that saved his life and the mezuzah mistake that revealed an unknown heart problem.
“He Wears a Simple Kapota and Torn Shtreimel”
A rov in Poznan, R. Akiva Eiger was an incredible gaon, yet unpretentious. While traveling to the health spas in Karlsbad, the Mitteler Rebbe visited him and was impressed by his great humility.
Wedding: Rosenzweig – Brand
The wedding of Mordechai Rosenzweig of Cedarhurst, NY and Miriam Brand of S. Paulo, Brazil was held on Thursday at Razag.
Now’s the Time to Take Your Goy to Court
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: We each have a goy inside of us who wants us to see the world from his perspective and act based on that. The month of Adar is an opportune time to take our goy to court.
War Day 125: IDF Prepares to Enter Rafah, US Intensifies Pressure
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Twenty-Five: President Biden and administration officials putting heavy pressure on Israel, Hezbollah continued with heavy rocket fire and a drone attack on Israel’s far north.
Erev Shabbos Mishpotim Around Crown Heights
The streets and shops of Crown Heights were full on Friday as residents and guests prepared for Shabbos Parshas Mishpotim – Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon. Plus: Shalom Zachar list.
‘Derher’ Celebrates 13 Years with Top Articles of All Time
‘A Chassidisher Derher’ is marking 13 years of quality Chassidishe content. To mark this milestone, the Derher team has curated some of their favorite articles from over the years. Check it out and suggest your favorite article!
L’Chaim: Popper – Mishulovin
The L’Chaim of Yosef Popper of Crown Heights and Chani Mishulovin of Moscow, Russia took place on Thursday at Lubavitcher Yeshiva.
Pittsburgh Women Unite To Bring Light To The World
The turbulent events in Israel sparked a mitzvah-focused movement across Pittsburgh, impacting hundreds of Jewish women from diverse backgrounds to unite and usher in the light of Shabbos.
Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos Visits The Ohel
Young Shluchos joining the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos of the Shluchim Office gathered together for an inspirational visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel.
Ten Minutes Before Davening!
As a bochur, Bentzion Cohen was guided by his mashpia, Reb Shlomo Chaim Kesselman, to think Chassidus for ten minutes before davening each day. Hearing about this during yechidus, the Rebbe relished in delight and wished for all bochurim to do the same.