Will Bacon Really Become Kosher?

In the fourth episode of the “Hilchisa L’Meshica” podcast, Rabbi Avraham Schneerson analyzes the opinions of the Rebbe and the Kli Yakar on this fascinating topic of whether a “Chazir” will actually become kosher and edible when Moshiach comes.


Fire at Chabad of Greater Orlando, Torahs Damaged

A large fire broke out at Chabad of Greater Orlando during which 5 sifrei Torah suffered damage. Fortunately, everyone evacuated safely and a Torah which survived the Holocaust and is set to be rededicated on Yom Kippur was successfully saved.


We Are Entering a New Era for Our Community

From the Anash.org Inbox: When elections were announced for Crown Heights Vaad Hakohol, I was quite cynical, questioning how much they could truly accomplish and whether they would genuinely care to make a difference. After a personal experience, I was pleasantly surprised.


Torah Started at Nova Site Dedicated in Moving Ceremony

With the Chief Rabbi of Russia in attendance, a new Torah scroll was inaugurated in Moscow’s central shul Marina Roscha. The writing of the sefer Torah began at the tragic site of the ‘Nova’ massacre near Gaza, where 383 people were murdered almost a year ago.


I’m Not a Chabadnik, Please Do More of This

I’m not a Chabdnik. I come from the Yeshivish world, where our approach to Torah and Hashkafah is nuanced and guided by the Mesorah of our Rosh Yeshivos. Yet, in the aftermath of the tragic events of October 7, when the news from Eretz Yisroel seemed too overwhelming to process, I found myself at a loss.


Baby Girl
י״ט אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 22, 2024

Unhiding Jewish Pride on Columbia University’s Lawn

A Jewish Culture Festival on Butler Plaza at Columbia University was cathartic and full-circle for students. In stark contrast to last semester, when it was a scene of heinous antisemitism, now they were celebrating their Yiddishkeit openly and safely as Jews.


Today: Shopaganza Event in Crown Heights

TODAY 9:30 am to 8:00 pm in the Razag Ballroom: The Shopaganza Event will be bringing hundreds of top-quality designer clothing for the Crown Heights Community to purchase at a steep discount. The Razag Ballroom will be brimming with racks full of beautiful pieces at a steep discount – up to 90% off their original prices! 


Live: Siyum on Rambam’s Sefer Avoda

Live at 2:00 PM ET: An international Siyum celebrating the completion of the Rambam’s Sefer Avoda will feature Rabbi Yossi Lew from Peachtree City, Georgia.


Baby Girl
י״ט אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 22, 2024

‘Arum of Rabbonus and Shlichus’ to Feature Rabbi Lazar

Live Sunday at 3:30 PM: Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad has an “Arum of Rabbonus” series each month, bringing in Rabbonim and rabbis to discuss tips for everyday rabbinics. In honor of Chai Elul, the talk by Rabbi Berel Lazar is being opened to the wider Anash community.


War Day 351: 500 Airstrikes in Lebanon, Hezbollah’s High Command Eliminated

Lebanon, tonight, as the IDF targets weapons warehouses en-masse

War Summary, Day 350-351: The terrorists who killed the six hostages were eliminated, UNRWA is asking for immunity for Hamas employees, IDF airstrike in Beirut eliminated much of Hezbollah’s highest command, IDF carries out over 500 airstrikes in Lebanon in one day, fires in multiple areas in Israel, Hezbollah raises the “red flag of revenge,” and terrorist commander eliminated in Qabatiya, Samaria.


Wedding: Muss – Klausner

The wedding of Chaim Muss of Monsey, NY, and Chanie Klausner of Zurich, Switzerland, took place in Zurich, with a group of bochurim flying in to enhance the simcha.


‘Chassidus Club’ Is a Lifeline for Young Shluchim

This Sunday, MyShliach’s Chassidus Club launches with a complimentary session in honor of Chai Elul, providing children in remote areas the opportunity to build friendships and engage with Chassidishe values through interactive, weekly learning.


Montreal Boys Enjoy Chai Elul Seder Nigunim

Boys in the Montreal Cheder held a beautiful Seder Nigunim in honor of Chai Elul, featuring guest speaker, Rabbi Mendel Duchman from LA, who spoke to the boys about how special they are to be the Rebbe’s children.


Year-Round Programming Kicks Off With Shabbos Party

Every Friday, children of Shluchim eagerly await getting together for a unique event filled with music, games, stories and much more all in the Shabbos spirit. With interactive activities, inspiring entertainment and so many surprises, the children look forward to it every week.


English Letters on American Day Schools and WWII Soldiers

This week’s collection of letters includes correspondence with President Ronald Reagan about Chai Elul and establishing a Jewish Day School in a small American town. An added teshura includes 15 letters from 1944 showing care for WWII soldiers, as well as a brief biography and letters to Max Schrieber, a philanthropist who oversaw the construction of over 300 Mikvaos.

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