After shacharis in the Sanz-Klausenburg Beis Medrash in Union City, NJ, Hoboken shliach Rabbi Moshe Schapiro made a Siyum Horambam, with the participation of Harav Shaul Yehuda Prizant, rov of the community and son-in-law of the Sanz-Klausenburg Rebbe, dayan Rabbi Yaakov Haskal, and members of the Kolel.
Despite Blackout, the Jews of Kharkiv had Light and Joy
When twenty-one rockets knocked out the city’s electricity and shut down the subway, residents wondered what would be with Purim. Yet, all of this didn’t stop hundreds from coming to celebrate at Chabad of Kharkiv.
Esteemed Rabbonim Headline Montreal’s Siyum Harambam
On the evening of Shushan Purim, the Montreal Jewish community gathered in large numbers for the central Siyum HaRambam celebration, addressed by rabbonim, shluchim, and community members.
Tonight: Siyum HaRambam in the Jewish Children’s Museum
Ahead of the upcoming grand celebration Siyum HaRambam, a “Bo Bayom” Siyum will be held tonight at the Jewish Children’s Museum, with the participation of Harav Avrohom Osdoba and Harav Yosef Braun.
Heartbreaking Levaya Held for Rabbi Mendel Landa
A large crowd of friends and community members came out for the levaya of Rabbi Mendel Landa as it passed 770 on the way to Montefiore Cemetery.
Our Communities
43rd Siyum Harambam Celebrated in 770
Anash and bochurim gathered in 770 to mark the 43rd siyum of Rambam and Sefer Hamitzvos in the 40th year since the campaign was started by the Rebbe in 5744.
Leah Althaus, 28, AH
Mrs. Leah Althaus, a young shlucha from Dnipro, Ukraine, and the daughter of the Rov of Kfar Chabad, Harav Meir Ashkenazi, passed away after a sudden illness.
Alumni Return to Postville for Uplifting Shabbaton Reunion
A group of former students, shiur daled graduates, and previous shluchim from the yeshiva in Postville, Iowa, returned to the yeshiva last Shabbos for an uplifting reunion Shabbaton.
Rabbi Mendel Landa, 32, AH
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Landa, a young father of four small children and a shliach in Toronto, passed away after a terrible illness. Levaya at 1 pm.
War Day 171: Terrorists, Weapons Found in MRI Ward, Shin Bet Stops Huge Iranian Smuggle
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Seventy One: Hamas fires rockets as far as Ashdod, U.S. fails to veto a damaging UN resolution and Netanyahu cancels delegation to Washington, IDF begins new operation in Al-Amal, and Shin Bet prevents huge Iranian weapons smuggling to Judea and Samaria.
First Siyum Harambam of the Year Kicks Off in Melbourne
Tuesday morning in Melbourne saw Rabbi Mordechai Szmerling start the first of many Siyum Harambam’s that will be celebrated worldwide.
L’Chaim: Rabenou – Polinger
The L’Chaim of Yedidia Rabenou of Antwerp, Belgium, and Chana Polinger of Monsey, NY, was celebrated in the Lubavitcher Yeshiva hall in Crown Heights.
Monday Night: Central Siyum Harambam in 770
40 Years: In honor of the completion of Rambam in the cycle of shlosha perokim, a grand Siyum Harambam will be held in 770 with leading rabbonim and mashpiim.
Education Day Proclaimed for Ohio State
In preparation for Yud Alef Nissan, Rabbi Gershon Avtzon had the Rebbe’s birthday designated as “Education and Sharing Day” by Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Puravel and Ohio Governor Mike Dewine for the entire state.
Over 5,000 Megillah Readings for Paris Jews
Over 5,000 Megillah readings took place and 70,000 Mishloach Manos were distributed to Paris Jews through the dedicated efforts of 200 shluchim throughout the greater city.
Kallah Teacher Training Initiative to Launch New Semester
Over the past six years, more than 250 Kallah teachers have been trained by Merkos 302’s Shluchos Learning Center and’s Kallah Teacher Training program.
Grand Purim Party Unites Morristown Community
The Morristown anash community hosted its annual Grand Purim Party at the Rabbinical College of America. The Purim party is a long-standing tradition and the most highly anticipated and attended community event of the year.
Mechina Boys Enjoy Grand Trip for Extra Learning
Talmidim of Mechina Oholei Torah who dedicated themselves to extra learning were rewarded with a two-day trip to Villa Roma resort with farbrengens, shiurim, kumzitz, and many exciting activities.
The Aftermath of Purim: When the Numbers Don’t Add Up
Shushan Purim is a day to pack away graggers and costumes while cheerfully reflecting on our most joyous Purim moments. For those with a pile of unpaid Purim bills, however, this day may be full of anxiety and pain.
Malnourished Siblings Saved by Odesa’s Mishpacha Orphanage
Suffering from malnutrition, and moments before being taken into welfare, two young siblings from Kyiv were admitted to the Mishpacha Jewish orphanage in Odesa under Rabbi Avraham Wolff.
Purim is Winding Down…The Bochurim Still Need Your Help
Chap arein! Make your care and concern for the Bochurim (possibly your future son in law) part of this Purim with a gift to
Purim Spirit on the Streets of Crown Heights
Anash, bochurim and children filled the streets of Crown Heights on Purim day as they fulfilled the mitzvos of the day, and celebrated with family and friends.
The Rebbe’s Purim Lesson on Combating Anti-Semitism
Why do the nations have baseless hatred for the Jewish people? It is because Jews are apart from the other nations and Hashem made it known that he has chosen them as His people. The Rebbe‘s Purim lesson on anti-Semitism.
Large Crowd at Morning Megillah in the Rebbe’s Shul
A large crowd joined Purim Shacharis and Krias Hamegillah in 770, including many children in colorful costumes.
Smiles and Costumes Abound at Oholei Torah’s Grand Meetup
Boys of all ages gathered at Oholei Torah’s grand meetup dressed in creative costumes and broad smiles to hear the megillah and exchange mishloach manos.
Fathers, Sons, Rebbis Join Together for Shacharis and Megillah
Fathers, sons, and rebbis came together on Purim morning at Oholei Torah for four separate minyanim for Shacharis and Megillah reading.