Hamesorah Opens Registration for Kriah Expert Course

Hamesorah is pleased to open registration for the effective Kriah Course, providing newcomers to the profession with effective strategies for achieving successful Kriah for all students, using the proven Mesorah method.

Hamesorah is pleased to announce that registration for the effective Kriah Course is now open.

The course is geared toward newcomers to the profession of teaching Kriah, providing effective strategies for achieving successful Kriah for all students, using the methodology of Yisroel Saba.

Besides communicating the underlying theory and core concepts of teaching Kriah, the course will focus on the specific methodology, how to set up the class for optimum success, and how to ensure every child reaches their full potential.

Comprised of two parts:

Part 1: The Kriah Foundation

Fully preparing teachers with everything needed before the school year starts.

Topics include:
What is the Mesorah
The Science of Decoding
Practically Teaching Kriah from Komatz to Shuruk.
Setting Up Your Day for Optimal Success.
Different Classroom Models
Using Art In Kriah
Every Child A Reader

Men – A six-hour in-person training session.

Sunday Parshas Eikev, Yud Daled Av, 5784, August 14th, 2024, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Brooklyn address TBA

Women: Four weekday evening Zooms, ninety minutes each.

Monday – Thursday Parshas Eikev, 15 – 18 Menachem Av, August 19 – 22, 8:30 pm-10:00 pm, exclusively via Zoom.

Part 2: Building as you go

As participants come to the next stages of teaching Kriah, participants will have access to online classes mapping out the road forward.

Participants will have access to our online classroom and can watch the workshops at participants’ convenience.

Topics Include:
Teaching Closed Syllables
Understanding the Shva
The build of the word – Dikduk
The Uncommon Rules
Becoming Fluent Readers
Demystifying the Different Texts
Achieving Accuracy and Fluency in Davening
Ensuring Retention and Growth in Reading

Courses are masterfully given by Rabbi Avrohom Schtroks, Founder and director of HaMesorah, who has taught Kriah to hundreds of students, and whose methods are used by many successful Kriah teachers.

The Rebbe writes in a letter (Igros Kodesh, Vol. 26, p. 234)

“When we think into Chazal’s statement that ‘Hashem consulted the Torah and created the world,’ and ‘Its ways are pleasant ways,’ it becomes clear that if only the method of teaching Alef-Beis according to Torah’s instructions was used properly there’d be success not only in matters of holiness which are related to that approach, but simply in the very learning and progress of the child.

“We’ve seen from experience, that the teachers who became adept in the knowledge of the means and the methods of teaching beginners Kria realized that only teaching by this approach is the most successful… Of course, there needs to be training on how to use this approach.”

For registration, visit Hamesorah Expert Workshop

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