feature: Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
Basi Legani: The Mission Statement of Dor Shvi’i
The day of Yud Shevat is deeply connected with Basi Legani. Read about the history of this fundamental maamar, and how we continue its cycle of study today.
PowerPoint Sicha: Vayechi feature: Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
PowerPoint Sicha: Vayigash feature: Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
PowerPoint Sicha: Chanukah feature: Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
PowerPoint Sicha: Chanukah
New feature on Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
Yud Tes Kislev: The Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus
On Yud Tes Kislev 5559 (1798), the Alter Rebbe was freed from imprisonment, heralding a new era in the spreading of chassidus.
Weekly PowerPoint Sicha Series
New feature on Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
New PowerPoint Sicha Series Launched
New feature on Weekly sicha explained in a lucid PowerPoint presentation by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger of Gemara Academy.
A Question You Want to Have
In this short video clip, Rabbi Naftali Silberberg shares a question that we should wish would go unanswered.
Slow Down!
Why do some people think that davening fast is the Lubavitcher way? Rabbi Akiva Wagner with a unique story of the Rebbe.
Historic Find in Lubavitch
The kever and matzeivoh of Reb Schneur, the Tzemach Tzedek’s son-in-law, has been discovered in the town of Lubavitch.
New Maamar Transcript Discovered
Exclusive Pirsum Rishon: A newly discovered transcript of a maamar from 5730 reveals a previously unknown part.
“I’m Not Working Today”
Rav Yosef Kahaneman offered to support Reb Meir Avtzon, but the latter refused. Rabbi Sholom Ber Avtzon on avodas hatefillah.
Chai Elul: Bringing Chayus into the Month of Elul
Chai Elul, the 18th day of Elul, is the birthday of the two great luminaries, the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe.
Tanya Belongs to All
Guest speaker Rav Nachman Yosef Twerski was featured at the Irgun Limud HaTanya recent siyum in Boro Park.
What Every Aspiring Tailor and Chossid Must Know
Watch: Reb Avrohom Aharon Rubashkin shares a humorous, but relevant, chassidishe parable.