Ask the Rov: What is the correct bracha on a granola bar? Is it ha’adama, mezonos or maybe even hamotzi? How about the after-bracha?
Using Cameras for Hashgacha
One of the primary components of kosher supervision is fear of discovery which the mashgiach accomplishes even by intermittent visits. Does a camera accomplish the same thing?
Par-Baked and Pas Yisroel
Ask the Rov: May I buy a partially baked pizza crust that is kosher but not certified pas Yisroel?
Wearing a Shabbos Key
Ask the Rov: Can I wear a Shabbos belt over my shirt?
Engaging in Risky Activities
Ask the Rov: What types of dangers am I obligated to avoid and what risks may I take?
The Eternal Message of Levi’s Census
Watch: PowerPoint Sicha by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger on the timeless avodah taught by the counting of the three Levite families.
Birkas Kohanim at Home?
Ask the Rov: I can’t attend shul for Birkas Kohanim. Do I still get the brachos?
Kosher Haircuts and Peyos
Ask the Rov: I am giving haircuts for Yom Tov. How much hair must I leave for the peyos?
Hashem, His People and a Techum in Between
Watch: PowerPoint Sicha by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger on the symbolism of Bnei Yisrael’s camp set 2000 amos from the mishkan.
Hagomel After Recovering from COVID-19
Ask the Rov: Should I recite hagomel after recovering and when should I say it?
How Does Shemitta Apply This Year?
Watch: PowerPoint Sicha by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger highlighting the difference between resting on Shabbos and during Shemitta, and its message for us in 5780.
Halachos of Coming Home
Ask the Rov: What bracha do I say when a close friend returns from the hospital?
Weeks Made of Days… And Lights
Watch: PowerPoint Sicha by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger on the remarkable advantage of beginning sefiras haomer on a Sunday, with each week paralleling the week of Creation.
Covid-19 Rent Payments
Ask the Rov: May I cancel the lease on my office space due to the current situation?
The Paradox of Holiness
Watch: PowerPoint Sicha by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger on Hashem’s seemingly conflicting command to ‘be holy,’ implying both separation from and elevation of the physical.
The Great Debate of Colors and Hairs
Watch: PowerPoint Sicha by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger on an astonishing argument between Hashem and the Heavenly Yeshiva.
Do I Have to Pay Tuition If School Is Closed?
Ask the Rov: If my child’s school is shut, but they are offering virtual classes, do I have to continue paying full tuition?
From the Archives: Three Chassidim
A vintage photo of three Chassidim meeting in 770 circa 5740s/1980s.
The Rebbe and the Novominsker Dynasty
The Rebbes of Novominsk, including Rav Yakov Perlov who passed away before Pesach, had a long-standing connection with the Rebbe.
“Why Do I Need a Rov?”
Watch: PowerPoint Sicha by Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger on the mistaken belief by the sons of Aharon that they didn’t need a Rov.