The Rebbe and the Novominsker Dynasty

The Rebbes of Novominsk, including Rav Yakov Perlow who passed away before Pesach, had a long-standing connection with the Rebbe.

By Hershel Rosenbluh for

Rav Yakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe, passed away shortly before Pesach – 13 Nissan – at the age of 89. He headed a large Yeshiva and kollel in Boro Park and was for over two decades the head of Agudath Israel of America.

His father, Rav Nochum Mordechai Perlow, the previous Novominsker Rebbe, lived in Crown Heights for many years where he led a community and shul. That shul is now known as K’hal Chassidim-Baumgarten’s Shul at the corner of Carroll and Schenectady. The Rebbe wrote to him a famous letter concerning adopting children. He passed away in Elul of 5736/1976.

Rav Nochum Mordechai’s uncle, Rav Yehuda Aryeh Perlow, was the Novominsker Rebbe of Williamsburg. He sent the Rebbe his seforim, and the Rebbe responded with detailed comments. The Rebbe began by addressing him as ש”ב – my relative, seemingly because he was as eynikel of the Chernobler Rebbes, as was the Frierdiker Rebbe. He passed away in Elul of 5721/1961.

In 5714, when Rav Yehuda Aryeh was sitting shiva for his wife, the Rebbe visited him and a lengthy conversation ensued. On the way back to 770, the Rebbe noted how the senior Novominsker had already been in America for 30 years and was the same as if he’d be in Europe. (The full conversation can be found in Toras Menachem – Menachem Tzion Vol. 2.) The Rebbe also told those in the car about the Novominsker Rebbe that he is a “varemer Yid.”

The late Novominsker Rebbe, Rav Yakov Perlow, who passed away this month, visited the Rebbe for nichum aveilim for Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, on 26 Shvat 5748, the fifth day of shiva. The Rebbe had a discussion with him about who will build the third Beis Hamikdosh.

The 8 minute plus conversation can be heard below. From the transcript, it would seem that the recording was cut off towards the end of the conversation.

The Rebbe and the Novominsker Rebbe


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  1. Those that remember hearing the original tape recount that the conversation by nichum aveilim ended off with the Rebbe saying how he remembers the Novominsker’s father visiting the Friediker Rebbe with a shtreimel. The Novominsker asked “dehainu?” to which the Rebbe replied “די לחכימא ברמיזא”.

  2. Amazing article. I believe the reason the novimsker rebbe sent his sforim to the rebbe was to fulfill the rebbes request when he visited him for the above mentioned nichum availim. The rebbe remarked with a a smile that if the sforim came to him they would certainly come to good use…

  3. It would be worthwhile to speak with Lippa about his enthusiasm at learning of Chassidus mevuares.

  4. People may be are mixing up the two Nichumei Aveilim mentioned in the article: In 5714, the Rebbe went to be Menachem Avel Rav Yehuda Arye, the uncle of the Novominsker Rebbe that just passed away. The Rebbe said that he would be glad to receive his seforim, and that in the Rebbe’s hands, they would certainly come to good use.
    In 5748, Rav Yakov Perlow (who passed away before Pesach) went to be Menachem Avel the Rebbe.

    For an account of the Nichum Aveilim in 5714, see ‘A Chassidisher Derher’ from the month of Teves – 5780.

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