Keep Our Phones Smart and Our Homes Pure

From the Inbox: Much ink and many bytes have been spilled discussing the benefits and dangers that phone and internet technology has for our homes and mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. Here are some additional points to consider.

Once in a Lifetime Mivtzoyim Awaits YK Prague

YK Prague is gearing up for its inaugural summer, preparations are in full swing. Like every Yeshivas Kayitz, the curriculum includes rich Chassidus Shiurim, in-depth Niglah, Farbrengens, and an exciting and uplifting Chassidishe atmosphere.

Mrs. Chana Simpson, 88, AH

Mrs. Chana Simpson, a beloved mother and grandmother and resident of Boro Park, Brooklyn passed away on Tuesday, 29 Nissan, 5784. Levaya will pass by 770 at 4 PM.

L’Chaim: Weinbaum – Dubov

Photos: Shalom Ross/
Photos: Shalom Ross/

The L’Chaim of Mendel Weinbaum of Crown Heights, and Menucha Dubov of Wimbledon, UK, was celebrated on Monday Night at the JCM.

War Day 213: Rafah Incursion Began, 12 Senators Threaten Prosecutor

Flares light up the sky over Rafah tonight.
Flares light up the sky over Rafah tonight.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Thirteen: On Monday evening the IDF announced that troops had begun to operate in Eastern Rafah, Hamas manipulatively announced that they accepted a ceasefire deal after Rafah attack began, and twelve Republican senators sent a letter to the chief prosecutor at the International Court of Justice and threatened: “If you hurt Israel, we will hurt you”.

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