Israeli Businessman Shot to Death in Egypt

 Zev Kipper hy”d, an Israeli businessman, was shot this Tuesday in Alexandria, Egypt where he was conducting business for his frozen fruit and vegetable company.

There is an ongoing investigation currently going on pertaining to the murder of Israeli businessman Ziv Kipper, who owned an Egyptian frozen fruit and vegetable importing company and was in Alexandria for business. Kipper is pictured putting on tefillin this with the bochurim who led the tefilos in the Eliyahu Hanavi shul in Egypt for Rosh Hashana.

As of now, it is unknown who is responsible for the cold blooded murder. No one has yet been identified, and no terror organization has claimed credit for the vile attack. Kipper had a dual Israeli-Canadian citizenship and operated a company based in Egypt called OK Group LLC.

There has been a statement sent out from a group calling itself ‘Vanguards of the Liberation – the Martyrs of Mohamed Salah’ claiming responsibility for the killing, but it is not verified. The statement blamed Kipper for working for the Mossad and gathering intelligence from Egypt, and proclaimed to be in support of the people of Gaza.



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