Tonight: Shluchos Seminar to Guide Singles to Marriage

Live at 8 PM: As young Jewish professionals venture out on their own, facing critical decisions that can shape their entire future, Shluchim and Shluchos are there to provide vital support and guidance. A course from Merkos 302’s Met@Chabad aims to support Shluchos in their critical role. 

When young Jewish adults make some of the most important life decisions, they often look to their Shluchos for support and direction. Tonight, Mrs. Devorah Kigel—a renowned dating coach, marriage mentor, and author of Marry a Mensch—will be presenting the third installment of Met@Chabad’s Shluchos Relationship Seminar, sharing her professional, Torah-rooted insights on helping singles date effectively with marriage in mind.

“I was once in their shoes,” says Mrs. Kigel, “everyone longs for a genuinely meaningful and loving relationship—not just surface-level connections.”

For many young Jewish professionals, once they move into urban environments and begin careers, their Jewish values can be put to the test—just when they’re facing life’s most pivotal decisions. That’s where Shluchos step in, guiding young adults to stay anchored in their identity and make decisions aligned with their Neshamos.

“At this stage, they’re mapping out the course of their future,” explains Rabbi Beryl Frankel, director of Chabad Young Professionals International at Merkos 302. “Shluchos are on the frontlines offering perspective and support these young people need.”

Based on her real-life learning experiences, tonight’s session will delve into critical lessons from Torah true dating that can be applied to the secular world as well as how to spot toxic relationships and when is it time to intervene. Kigel will provide practical strategies that Shluchos can incorporate, whether in personal mentoring or group workshops, empowering young singles to navigate dating in a way that aligns with Torah values.

“The Rebbe’s Shluchim and Shluchos form the Jewish people’s worldwide support network,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302 and Chairman of CYP International. “We’re honored to stand behind them as they guide so many at such a critical crossroads in life.”

The third session of the Met@Chabad Relationship Seminar will be streaming live tonight, January 27, at 8:00 PM. Visit to learn from Mrs. Devorah Kigel’s real-life experiences and discover how to effectively mentor singles on their journey toward a Torah-true marriage.


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