Mesivta of Pomona Hosts ‘A Day In Tomchei Tmimim’

The Mesivta of Pomona hosted a special event, bringing together fathers, family members, and bochurim to prepare for Yud Shvat. This milestone event marked a significant achievement for the yeshiva, which has reached full capacity with Shiur Alef through Gimmel.

The Mesivta of Pomona hosted a highly successful event, bringing together fathers, family members, and bochurim to prepare for Yud Shvat. This milestone event marked a significant achievement for the yeshiva, which has reached full capacity with Shiur Alef through Gimmel.

The adults were treated to a unique and enriching experience, participating in a sugya at Seder Nigleh with a Shiur from Magidei Shiur, Rabbis Rottenburg, Zaltsman, and Mann. Additionally, they delved into a sugya in Chassidus with the Mashpiim Rabbis Lesches, Feldman, Kessler, Abraham, and Kalman. Along with eltere bochurim Naftali Stein and Chaim Aharon Drew.

Parents got to meet and greet the hanhala, led by Rabbi Nochum Labkowski, who ensures every bochur receives personalized attention and care.

A special chinuch panel featured hanhala members. Rabbi Yosef Bukiet, Meshiv in Yeshiva, who is in chinuch over 50 years, shared valuable insights and answers he received from the Rebbe.

Rabbi Yoseph Vigler, Dean of the Yeshiva, shared his vision for the yeshiva’s future and the reasons behind its founding.

The yeshiva’s success was made possible thanks to the tireless efforts of Eli and Shterny Steinmetz and other dedicated parents. The Menahel Gashmi Rabbi Hirschel Friedman prepared a sumptuous spread, culminating in a heartfelt Fabrengen led by parents.

This event embodied the spirit of Tomchei Temimim, fulfilling the Rebbe’s vision of bringing Moshiach through the establishment of Yeshivos Tomchei Tmimim everywhere.


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