New Siddur Launched at the Alter Rebbe’s Hilula in London

An extraordinary farbrengen was held in North London to launch the newly-released three-volume edition of Sidur Rabenu haZokein, prepared by the community’s Dayan, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Raskin. The event was graced by rabbonim, Rabbi Gedaliah Lieberman and Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Tesler.

An extraordinary farbrengen for Anash in North London was held, incorporating the celebration of the newly-released three-volume edition of Sidur Rabenu haZokein, fruit of many years’ labor of love by the community’s Dayan, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Raskin.

In his opening words, the Dayan described how he had been motivated to address the dearth of sources to the Halocho sections in this Sidur, and how he had merited to receive the Rebbe’s consent to further his research in this field.

Rav Gedaliah Lieberman, Rov of the Heichal Menachem Shul, as well the Rosh Yeshiva of the Lubavitch Yeshiva Gedola, both in NW London, followed with a brilliant explanation of the obligation of Hodoyoh in Birkas haMozon, as alluded to in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Oruch. He also thanked Dayan Raskin for having motivated him in his youth to delve in Halocho leMaaseh.

Following on was a guest named Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Tesler. Himself a follower of the Munkatcher derech, Rabbi Tesler has published numerous articles on the development of Nusach of Tefilo. He enthralled the assembled with his description of the Arizal’s transmission of Kabolo instruction to Rav Chaim Vital, and the various phases of the transcription of the Arizal’s teachings. He also addressed the challenge faced by the early Chasidim, how to merge their adopting Nusach Sefard with the historic piyutim that were geared to nusach Ashkenaz.

Lastly, Dayan Raskin shared slides of early Sidurei Arizal, and explained the vacuum that was filled by the Alter Rebbe’s Sidur – years before any other Chassidishe Sidur was to be published. As well, the need for clarity of diyuk of nusach, following decades of polemic of numerous masters of dikduk, some of which were not fond of mesorah. Also, the mission statement of this Sidur: to be in conformity with the deep teachings of the Arizal, and yet simply presented so that it would be user-friendly for even an uneducated person.

Download the mafteiach of topics discussed in the new siddur.


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