Rosh Kollel Decries Forgery of Reb Moshe’s Letter to the Rebbe

In a viral video, Harav Leibel Wulliger, Rosh Kollel at Torah V’Daas, decried edits made to responsa in Igros Moshe by Harav Moshe Feinstein in a letter to the Rebbe, in an apparent attempt to minimize his admiration for the Rebbe. Harav Wulliger urged those responsible to seek forgiveness.

By reporter

In a viral video, Harav Leibel Wulliger, Rosh Kollel at Torah V’Daas in Brooklyn and popular Maggid Shiur for Irgun Shiurei Torah, decried edits made to responsa in Igros Moshe by Harav Moshe Feinstein in a letter to the Rebbe.

The shiur, which took place on Wednesday, covered hilchos tefillin. In a discussion of putting on tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam, he quoted Reb Moshe’s teshuva (Orach Chaim 4, Siman 9) which was a response to the Rebbe’s offer to have a pair of Rabbeinu Tam’s tefillin written for Reb Moshe.

Rav Wulliger highlighted the glowing titles of prestige Rav Moshe used when addressing the Rebbe – מעלת הוד כבוד קדושת הרב הצדיק מורנו הרב מ.מ. שניאורסאהן שליט״א האדמו״ר מליובאוויטש. He then compared the New York and Bnei Brak editions of the Igros Moshe, uncovering a significant omission in the latter.

In the New York edition, Rav Moshes offers a heartfelt thanks for the offer, and requests that the tefilin be written beautifully, specifically in ksav Bais Yosef. Rav Moshe concludes the teshuva with the following words: “והנני גומר בברכה שנזכה בקרוב לביאת הגואל אשר מצפים אנחנו תמיד, מוקירו מאד, משה פיינשטיין”—”And I conclude with a blessing that we merit soon the arrival of the redeemer, which we constantly await; one who holds him in great esteem, Moshe Feinstein.” However, in the Bnei Brak edition, this heartfelt bracha was removed.

Rav Wulliger called the omission deeply troubling saying that it undermines trust in the authenticity of Reb Moshe’s teshuvos and disrespects his words. Rav Wulliger than went on to speak about another responsa of Rav Moshe where once again the editors of the Bnei Brak edition felt the need to modify.

He concluded his shiur by urging those responsible for the changes to seek forgiveness, calling the act a distortion of Torah and an affront to Reb Moshe’s legacy.

Taking the microphone, the event organizer took an even stronger stance, saying that in truth Rav Wulliger was too soft in his criticism and in reality, this was a “tremendous chutzpah” and the editors must be condemned publicly in the strongest terms for removing Rav Moshe’s warm blessing to the Rebbe and the other modifications.

The controversy has ignited widespread discussion, with many condemning the alterations as disrespectful to the Rebbe and Reb Moshe, and ignoring their warm relationship.



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  1. This is their way censoring going backna long time.
    There are hundreds of examples like this.
    I won’t list them here because it might be censored as well…..

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