Hamas Commander’s House They Were In Was Booby-Trapped

The Chof Bais Shvat issue of N’shei Chabad Newsletter highlights Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, Reb Sholom Ber Gansburg who assisted the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin in their home, and Sergeant Levi who entered the booby-trapped of a Hamas commander and emerged unharmed.

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In honor of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka’s yahrzeit, we get to read the words of Cathy Cole, a nurse living in Thousand Oaks, CA, who, together with her shlucha on a regular basis, studied the Rebbetzin’s life. She writes:

“Having no biological children of her own (which is also the case with me), the Rebbetzin was always interested in the studies, celebrations, and even hobbies of other people’s children. She considered all of the chassidim her children and was clearly happy for their success. She went out of her way to show appreciation to the men who came to assist both her and the Rebbe in their home…”

Speaking of men who came to assist the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin in their home, Rivkah Slonim writes about Reb Sholom Ber Gansburg, a meshamesh bakodesh for many years. Here is one of his memories:

“I was with the Rebbe in his room in 770, attending to my tasks. Suddenly, the Rebbe began to speak as he paced back and forth in the room. ‘I was born on a Friday. When one is born on a Friday one is always late. I am always late; I can never accomplish all that I want to do…’ After some time, I summoned my courage and I said, ‘How can the Rebbe say this? There is no one in the world who accomplished as much as the Rebbe did! The Rebbe changed the world to such an extent that it is beyond recognition… all the baalei teshuvah whose lives were transformed in the Rebbe’s zechus, the Rebbe literally turned the world around…!’ And there were additional points that I set forth that I no longer remember. Only when I mentioned the term ‘baalei teshuvah’ did the Rebbe say, ‘Nu, gut,’ and his holy spirit seemed to calm.”

Menucha Ceitlin spoke with teenage girls and their mothers, and the respondents to her survey were surprisingly honest. Read it all in the Chof Beis Shvat N’shei Chabad Newsletter!


We had the immeasurable zchus to speak with Sergeant Levi, a sergeant in the IDF whose last name we can’t publish, or he could be in (more) danger. I can’t give away the whole story here, or you may not buy the thing chas v’shalom, but let’s just say that he and his unit were on the third floor of a Hamas commander’s home that, unbeknownst to them, was booby-trapped…

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NCN Staff


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