“What Will Be With Lubavitch?”

It is only normal and natural that when the calendar tells us that it is nearing 30 years since Gimmel Tammuz 5754, the heart begins to ask the obvious question: “What will be?” Article by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon.


Hamesorah Opens Registration for Kriah Expert Course

Hamesorah is pleased to open registration for the effective Kriah Course, providing newcomers to the profession with effective strategies for achieving successful Kriah for all students, using the proven Mesorah method.


JEM Foundation to Hold Unique Event for 30 Years

A high-end event by the JEM Foundation, titled “Brighter Than Ever,” will highlight JEM’s pivotal role in making it possible for millions to learn directly from the Rebbe, along with a 120-minute blend of inspiring farbrengen, videos of the Rebbe, and practical inspiration.


To Yearn for the Past or Celebrate the Present?

Photo: Shlomo Vishinsky | Courtesy Zev Markowitz/Chai Art Gallery

As we approach 30 years, the debate ensues whether to yearn for the past or celebrate the present, often a divide between the older generation and the younger one. Who is right? An essay by Rabbi Yitzchok Naparstek.


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New Shluchim to Southwest Miami

Rabbi Ari and Devorah Werbler and their three children have relocated from their home and community in Chicago to do the Rebbe’s shlichus in Southwest Miami.


War Day 265: Rockets Hit Homes, Intelligence-based Airstrikes Eliminate Terrorists

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Sixty Five: With terrorists out of the tunnels the IDF is using intelligence-based airstrikes to strike them, significant advancements in Rafah, major violence between Hamas and family clans, Hezbollah fires heavily causing wildfires and damaging homes, and the IDF continues to strike Hezbollah targets in Lebanon.


New Series Shares Hiskashrus in the Rebbe’s Own Words

As Gimmel Tammuz approaches, Derher launched a new WhatsApp series sharing the Rebbe’s guidance on Hiskashrus, drawing from his own approach as a chossid of the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe’s guidance to chassidim on the matter.


Torah STEM Expo Brings Torah Concepts to Life

Students at the Sacramento Jewish Academy created interactive scientific exhibits to explain Torah ideas, such as sundial and davening times, 3D glasses and spiritual energy, electric circuit and Shabbos candles, and Avraham and Sara’s “magnetic pull.”


New Dayanus Semicha Course Offered by Lemaan Yilmedu

Machon Limud Halacha, Lemaan Yilmedu, is announcing a new course in Yadin Yadin. This program is ideal for those who have already completed semicha studies and are looking to expand their knowledge and expertise in halacha.


Live: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour

Live at 8:30: Join an hour of learning together with women across the country from Rabbi Michoel Seligson, educator and author, Rabbi Shmuel Bluming, Moreh Tzedek Crown Heights, and Mrs. Bracha Sternberg, Halacha Teacher in Beis Rivkah Crown Heights.

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