Three Major Shabbosim Unite Bochurim Ahead of Gimmel Tammuz 

Following a successful Shabbos Hachana for Gimmel Tammuz that united 600 Zal bochurim in Morristown, the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim organized three more events in Chicago, Detroit, and at the Ohel.

With the thirtieth Gimmel Tammuz approaching, the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Haolomi has been working to facilitate proper preparations for Gimmel Tammuz, with a series of initiatives and programs. In addition to two Mivtzahs taking place in Yeshivos around the world, the Vaad has organized this past Shabbos three special Shabbos programs uniting Bochurim across the United States in their Hachanos for Gimmel Tammuz – thirty years. 

Shiur Daled Zal Bochurim 

Geared for Bochurim in Shiur Daled Zal, close to 100 Bochurim spent an uplifting Shabbos near the Rebbe’s Ohel. 

Rabbi Shloime Kaplan and Rabbi Shmulik Shur of Oholei Torah joined the Shabbos and led the Farbrengens and Shiurim both on Friday night and Shabbos day. Sleeping accommodations was also provided for all the participating Bochurim. 

The Bochurim finished Shabbos full with inspiration and a new meaning in their Hiskashrus to the Rebbe. 

Shiur Gimmel Mesivta Bochurim 

Over 175 bochrim from Mesivtos in Detroit, Chicago and Toronto gathered in the Zekelman Campus of Mesivta Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Detroit for an uplifting Shabbos. 

The Shabbos began with a video of the Rebbe, followed by a panel addressing core questions on Hiskashrus, anonymously posed by participating Bochurim. The Friday night meal continued into a Farbrengen that went throughout the night. 

Shabbos day began with a Seder Chassidus replete with Shiurim by participating Mashpi’im, followed by Shacharis and a meal. After the meal the Bochurim paired with Talmidim from other

Yeshivos to learn a Farbrengen of the Rebbe, and then joined each other for spirited Farbengens throughout the afternoon. 

After Mincha a rousing Seder Niggunim was held followed by Chazoras Dach. 

At the Melaveh Malkah on Motzei Shabbos, Bochurim heard practical ideas for Hachlotos to enhance their Hachonos and culminated in a spontaneous dance as they boarded the busses back to their respective Yeshivos. 

Participating Hanohola and special guests included: Rabbi Yosef Gourarie (Detroit), Rabbi Levi Kaplan (Detroit), Rabbi Mendel Scharf (Detroit), Rabbi Sholom Scharf (Chicago), Rabbi Shmaya Shmotkin (Detroit), Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg (Chicago), Rabbi Yisroel Slavaticki (Detroit), Rabbi Gershon Steinmetz (Detroit), Rabbi Yosef Leib Vechter (Toronto), and Rabbi Chaim Zaklos (Solano County, California).

Shiur Beis Mesivta Bochurim 

A similar Shabbos in Chicago took place as well, with Bochurim from Shiur Beis Detroit uniting with Bochurim in Chicago their age. 

The Bochurim spent the majority of Shabbos participating in a spirited Farbrengen led by Rabbi Shmuel Chaim Scharf (Chicago) which continued until late Motzei Shabbos. Each Bochur took upon himself a Hachlata to learn with a Bochur from the other Yeshiva multiple times a week until Gimmel Tammuz. Throughout Shabbos the Bochurim Farbrenged with and heard from Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Sholom Ber Halberstam (both of Chicago). 

As one Bochur put it simply after Shabbos: “At the end of Shabbos I felt like we were all brothers,” and “it was a meaningful way to prepare for Gimmel Tammuz and I wish it would happen more often”. 

All these Shabbosim only took place due to the Hanholos of the Yeshivos who dedicated much time and energy in ensuring that the Bochurim have a meaningful and enjoyable experience, to strengthen their Hiskashrus for the thirtieth Gimmel Tammuz. 

These programs are sponsored by the Meromim Foundation in memory of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, dear friend of the Vaad Hatmimim since its inception.

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