Join photographer Mordechai Lubecki as he tours the underground tunnels near the Kosel in the old city of Yerushalayim, exploring the shul, Beis Hamikdash model and museum.
$1M Dollars of Appreciation for Rebbis and Morahs
Over one million dollars worth of Pesach food and supplies were gifted to rebbis and Beis Rivkah morahs in appreciation for their year-long effort in educating our children at the annual Chasdei Lev event organized by the Igud Hamelamdim.
The Chossid Who Was ‘The Rebbe’s Golam’
As a youth, Reb Bereh Volf Koz’venikov suffered from a terrible stutter, yet, he devoted himself to teaching the simpletons in his town basic Torah teachings. When he shared this in yechidus, the Tzemach Tzedek bentched him, and he was changed forever.
Talented Young Pianist Releases Three Chabad Melodies
In connection with the Rebbe’s birthday, young bochur Schneur Lerer, a talented pianist, played three of the Rebbe’s special niggunim in soft piano: Tzama Lecha Nafshi, Vehi She’amda, and Anim Zemiros.
Photos: Kever of Dan Ben Yaakov
Photographer Mordechai Lubecki captured photos of the remote site known as the Kever of Dan Ben Yaakov, which is reached via a scenic route through the land of Dan.
Torah Gathering in Paris on Reb Levik’s Birthday
A grand Torah assembly was held in Paris, France, on the eve of Chai Nissan at Beis Chaya Mushka, featuring in-depth discussions by Rabbi Levi Kahan, Rabbi Elchanan Marozov, and many yeshiva bochurim.
Found Chametz on Pesach?
Ask the Rov: During Chol Hamoed, I found a bag of pretzels under the seat of my car. What should I do? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
New Jersey Chabad House Introduces Kinus Torah Custom
The first ever Kinus Torah in Parsippany, New Jersey took place on Thursday, Chol Hamoed at Congregation Shaya Ahavat Torah, under the leadership of shliach Rabbi Shalom Lubin.
I Am Also ‘Dem Rebbin’s Ah Bochur’
At the Acharon Shel Pesach farbrengen of 5711, the Rebbe began handing out wine to the assembled yeshiva bochurim. But then the Rebbe made an unusual statement about himself.
Grand Pesach Rally Will Be Held On Friday
Tzivos Hashem is organizing a grand Pesach rally for all the Crown Heights children on Friday in 770.
London Baaleibatim Inspired by Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim
The Bochurim that came from all over London to Heichal Menachem to learn during their bein hazmanim elevevated the shul’s atmosphere and inspired the local baaleibatim to join in.
War Day 202: Egypt Proposes Cease-Fire, Hamas Fire at Aid Workers
War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Two: Egypt has put together a new ceasefire proposal to release all hostages in return for a Palestinian state, the IDF’s COGAT division reported that terrorists fired mortars at a humanitarian work site in northern Gaza during a visit of UN personnel yesterday, and the IDF struck a number of Hezbollah sites in Southern Lebanon, and shelled Hezbollah positions along the border.
Panoramic Scenery at Kever of Shimshon
Atop a hill within the land of Yehuda near the Dan border are the kevorim of Shimshon and his father Manoach. The hill offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes including Beit Shemesh and Gush Etzion.
Children to Learn Hiskashrus Directly From the Rebbe
With 30 years since Gimmel Tammuz approaching, Chassidim around the world prepare in earnest and with yearning, strengthening our Hiskashrus and hoping to finally see the Rebbe again before the date arrives.
Mitzvah Tank Parade in Melbourne was a Miracle
Mesivta bochurim in Melbourne Yehuda Ruschinek, Schneur Reicher, Berel Wolf, and Yoav Cooper set out to arrange a grand Mitzva Tank parade. But with no vehicles available, they were ready to give up, until they asked the Rebbe for a bracha.
Live Global Farbrengen to Mark 28 Nissan
On the eve of 28 Nissan, 2784, a unique event will bring together Chassidim from around the world for a live-streamed farbrengen commemorating the 33rd anniversary of a pivotal moment in our generation.
Today: Kinus Torah in Crown Heights
A Kinus Torah will take place today in the Crown Heights Kolel featuring Rabbi Kuti Feldman, Rabbi Dovid Dubov, and Rabbi Meir Eliyahu Teitelbaum, followed by a farbrengen in honor of the birthday of Harav Levi Yitzchok, the Rebbe’s father.
Miami Tank Parade Spreads Jewish Pride in South Florida
On Thursday before Yud Alef Nissan, 11 Mitzva Tanks paraded through Greater Miami with over 60 children participating, distributing hundreds of matza packets and laying tefillin with dozens of Yidden.
Picture of the Day
Rabbi Avrohom Stone, senior rabbinic field representative at the OU, enjoyed Pesach at Chabad of Ft. Myers after his flight was diverted from Miami where his family awaited him.
San Francisco Supermarket Hosts Chabad’s Model Matzah Bakery
A major San Francisco supermarket has partnered with Chabad shliach Rabbi Nosson Potash to host a model matzah bakery event at their new kosher department which includes cholov yisrael milk and kosher deli items.
Avos U’Banim to Hold Special Chol Hamoed Program
Avos Ubanim of Crown Heights has arranged a special Chol Hamoed Father and Son learning Program in three different locations around Crown Heights with learning and special raffles.
For 27th Year, Tanks Parade Through the Streets of Chicago
Bochurim and boys from Chicago filled eight Mitzvah tanks that traversed about Illinois spreading the Pesach message and handing out matzah to passersby during the 27th annual 11 Nissan parade.
Chassidus Kollel Launches New Sugya to Prepare for Gimmel Tammuz
In the months since the launch of Merkos 302’s Kollel L’lomdei Dach, the excitement and success of this structured Chassidus learning has become increasingly evident. The next sugya, on the topic of “Raaya Ma’hemna,” will begin immediately after Pesach.