Yud Shevat is fast approaching, and Yeshivos around the world are abuzz with preparation. In honor of the 75 years of the Rebbe’s Nesius, Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim has launched a Global Seder Sichos, bringing together 32 yeshivos from across the globe.
Yud Shevat is fast approaching, and Yeshivos around the world are abuzz with preparation. In honor of the 75 years of the Rebbe’s Nesius, Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim has launched a Global Seder Sichos, bringing together 32 yeshivos from across the globe.
The first of three Seder Sichos took place on Monday night, with another two sedorim to follow over the coming weeks. This initiative offers bochurim worldwide a unique opportunity to delve into sichos on the topic of hiskashrus chosen by the Vaad and being learned by all bochurim together, thus uniting in achdus and preparation for Yud Shevat.
A grand raffle will be held among participants with 30 sets of seforim being offered as prizes!
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