Wedding: Rosenbluh – Landa

Photos: Mendi Dahan/
Photos: Mendi Dahan/

The wedding of Gedalia Rosenbluh of Monsey, NY and Gita Landa of Toronto, Canada was held Tuesday night in Tarrytown, NY. wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to our Editor-in-Chief Rabbi Hershel Rosenbluh on the marriage of his son.

Geneva Unconventional

Mr. Mati Goldzweig came to the Rebbe looking for advise on how to influence leaders in Washington. The Rebbe advised, “If you want to help this cause, I think it would be right for you travel to Russia.”

15th of Shevat: Rosh Hashana for Trees

The 15th day of Shevat, commonly referred to as Tu B’Shevat, is the ‘Rosh Hashana’ of trees and is marked by eating fruits. Read about its minhagim and watch the Rebbe celebrate the day.

Is Chinuch a Second Class Shlichus?

Article by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon: I was recently talking to a group of bochurim and asked them if any of them were thinking of becoming Shluchim in Mosdos Chinuch and they all said absolutely not! Because Chinuch is “second class shlichus” and they would like to be “first class Shluchim”.

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