The Mesivta and Zal divisions of Suffield Yeshiva are now accepting registrations for the 5786 yeshiva year, with parents assured a response by 22 Shevat if they enroll on time.
Amid a successful first Zal year and third Mesivta year, both divisions of Suffield Yeshiva are opening registration for the upcoming 5786 yeshiva year.
Established in 5783 with the Mesivta and expanded in 5785 with the Zal, the Yeshiva boasts a distinguished team of hanhala dedicated to supporting bochurim in both their learning and personal growth. A committed hanhala gashmis team ensures that the students have everything they need to study comfortably.
Suffield Yeshiva offers an environment where each talmid, guided individually, deepens his understanding of Gemara, Halacha, and Chassidus. With a foundation of joy and dedication to avodas Hashem, the Yeshiva fosters a warm, chassidishe atmosphere. The education is deeply rooted in the values passed down from the Rebbeim, the founders and leaders of Tomchei Temimim.
The campus, situated on 60 acres along the Connecticut River, features a 140,000 sq. ft. facility with several large batei medrash, 167 dorm rooms, an Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool, a double court gym, and a two-story library housing a wide range of seforim.
“The bochur who will thrive in our yeshiva is one who is ready to dedicate himself to spend every day learning Torah, and prepared to immerse himself in growing yiras shomayim, darkei hachassidus, and avodas hatefillah,” says rosh yeshiva and menahel Rabbi Bentzion Bluming.
Registration is now open for bochurim entering Shiur Alef Mesivta and Shiur Alef Zal. Limited spots are also available for Shiur Beis and Gimel in Mesivta and Shiur Beis in Zal, as these classes already have a significant number of returning talmidim.
Applications will remain open until 22 Teves. To ensure a seamless process, Suffield Yeshiva guarantees a response by 22 Shevat for those who complete their registration by this deadline.
“Baruch Hashem, both the Mesivta and Zal divisions have achieved tremendous success this year, with the bochurim making significant strides in their learning and personal growth,” Rabbi Bluming says. “As we prepare for the upcoming year, we are committed to ensuring continued success.”
Rabbi Bluming emphasized the importance of timely registration to guarantee a smooth process for all involved.
To register for the upcoming year, visit: click here.
For more information, visit
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