Podcast Produces Choshen Mishpat Sefer

Following his popular Choshen Mishpat podcast on, Rabbi Berel Polityko published a sefer explaining the Alter Rebbe’s shitah in monetary halachos with practical applications for the 21st century, with real-life questions and answers in Hilchos Gezeilah u’Geneivah.

Over the last few months, Rabbi Berel Polityko, a Moreh Horaah in Airmont, NY, delivered a weekly podcast on called “Choshen Mishpat Renaissance.” The text-based shiurim explore the Choshen Mishpat section of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, with an emphasis on practical halachic application.

The series recently concluded Hilchos Geneivah u’Gezeilah in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch with insights into the Alter Rebbe’s shitah and practical applications. Now, those insights and many more have been published in book form for all to study.

The sefer’s main goal is to clarify the Alter Rebbe’s opinion, both in decisions regarding disputes between earlier poskim and the Alter Rebbe’s own chidushim. A second but equally important goal is to bring the discussions down to practical 21st-century application. The sefer covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Is it halachically permissible to harvest organs?
  • Taking advantage of a company’s mistake or a website glitch.
  • The principle of Dina Demalchusa Dina and its applications in modern society.
  • The halachos of gambling and games of chance.
  • The status of a privately owned roadway frequently used by the public (metzer shehechziku bo rabim).
  • And much more.

In addition to these discussions, which are presented as they come up following the order of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, the sefer includes an appendix featuring a small selection of real-life Shailos Uteshuvos related to Hilchos Gezeilah u’Geneivah. 

The sefer began with the write-ups of the weekly shiur, but it includes significant additions, new insights, and previously unpublished material that I was unable to include in the weekly sessions. It represents a much fuller exploration of the subject.

To download the sefer, click here.


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