Live 8 PM: As young Jewish professionals venture out on their own, facing critical decisions that can shape their entire future, Shluchim and Shluchos are there to provide vital support and guidance. A course from Merkos 302’s Met@Chabad aims to support Shluchos in their critical role.
When young Jews face pivotal life decisions, they turn to their Shluchos for guidance. Tonight Shlucha and dating coach Mrs. Manya Lazaroff, will lead the second session of Met@Chabad’s Shluchos Relationship Seminar, sharing practical tools for Shluchos mentoring singles as they navigate dating and marriage. Register Now.
For many young Jewish professionals, experiences like CKids Hebrew School, CTeen, or Chabad on Campus created a foundation of Jewish values. But as they transition into urban centers and adulthood, these values are often tested, precisely when they face life’s biggest decisions. Selflessly, Shluchos step in as mentors and guides, helping young professionals stay connected to their identity while navigating these challenges.
“At this stage, young professionals are laying the groundwork for their future,” explained Rabbi Beryl Frankel, director of Chabad Young Professionals International at Merkos 302. “Shluchos are the heroes providing the support, encouragement, and perspective that these young adults need to make decisions aligned with their values.”
Tonight’s session will focus on navigating difficult conversations such as fears of commitment and readiness for marriage. Led by Mrs. Manya Lazaroff, an experienced Shlucha at Texas A&M University and a popular dating coach who has guided thousands of students and alumni, will highlight how Shluchos can utilize teachable moments and will emphasize the importance of creating opportunities for meaningful dialogue about marriage and dating.
The workshop will also cover strategies for addressing sensitive topics like relationships that conflict with Jewish values or the importance of dating for marriage. The session encourages Shluchos to embrace their ability to speak up, even when conversations feel challenging. As Mrs. Lazaroff explains, “If you’re not going to say it, who will?”
“The Rebbe’s Shluchim and Shluchos are the global support system of the Jewish people,” said Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302 and Chairman of CYP International. “We are honored to support them on the frontlines of their critical mission, guiding young Jews at this pivotal stage of their lives.”
The second session of the Met@Chabad Relationship Seminar streams live tonight, January 20, at 8:00 PM. Register Here to join.
The series will conclude next Sunday Jan 27th with a session by renowned dating coach Mrs. Devorah Kigel, providing professional insights based on her real-life learning experiences in the dating process.
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