Members of the Anshei Lubavitch shul of Crown Heights, accompanied by their rov, Rabbi Yossi Garelik, pose in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, with shliach Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen. They traveled there to visit the kever of the Reb Levik, the Rebbe’s father.
Picture of the Day

did the rebbe not discourage such trips?
with all respect to Rabbi Garelik, I can see the value in communal trips etc.
in most cases where the Rebbe was asked abut organizing groups to travel to the mekomos hakdoshim, at a distance, whether the Rebbeim or others, the Rebbe’s reply was usually to send ppl to the Ohel.
if there is a need to bring your community to somewhere with holy value. great, but why confuse things as if this is an expression of hiskashrus to the Rebbe when the Rebbe usually only encouraged individuals on such trips or groups who were in the region for other areas
Everyone always says that the Rebbe didn’t want these trips because of a story about a man who told the rebbe that he plans to travel to kvarim and mekomos kedoshim and the rebbe responded to THAT person (who apparently has not been to the Ohel in a long time) “what about going to the Ohel”.
On the contrary whenever ppl told the rebbe that they went to Reb Levik’s Kever the Rebbe expressed much gratitude
in the farbrengen of Motzaei Shabbos Mishpatim 5739, the Rebbe gives a pretty clear vibe against traveling to visit mekomos hakedoshim in general.
IIRC, i think the person who asked about going to the Ohalim in Russia was actually a big chossid and mekushar, and to him the Rebbe said how many times were you by the Ohel.
The Rebbe definitely had nachas ruach from people visiting Ohalim of Rabboseinu Nesi’einu (there are stories to that effect even in the few short years after it became possible), Harav Levi Yitzchok, as well as the mekomos hakedoshim in E”Y (as can be seen in many sichos where the Rebbe asked to make rallies etc in those locations), but it seems quite clear IMHO that it goes for people who are in those areas, not traveling away from the Rebbe or the nearby areas to go to any place whatsoever.
You can not deny that the Rebbe always was very happy and grateful to people who told him that they went to visit Reb Levik’s kever
You can not deny that the Rebbe always was very happy and grateful to people who told him that they went to visit Reb Levik’s kever