After more than 24 years of marriage, a Crown Heights couple merited to hug their very own child. A baby boy was born on Tuesday to R’ Dovid and Etel Hurwitz.
By reporter
R’ Dovid and Etel Hurwitz have been residents of Crown Heights since their marriage 24 years ago. R’ Dovid is a renowned chazan and baal menagen of the famous “Dovid Hurwitz Nigunim.”
For 24 years, they waited to have a child. At a Bonei Olam event two years ago, Etel publicly shared their struggle with infertility.
Today, after 24 years, they were blessed with a baby boy.
Hashem should bentch them with much nachas, bracha, and hatzlacha in all!
Wow wow. A huge Mazal Tov.
מזל טוב לגדלו לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים.
Only Brachas to all of Klal Yisroel
Mazal Tov Etel and Dovid! We are over the moon for your new baby boy!! Our Montgomery street block is flying with joy! May you have abundant chassidishe Nachas and all the brochos begashmiyus uberuchniyus and raise him לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים בעושר ואושר 😊
Mendel and Chana Gittel Goldstein
Mazel Tov!!! This is such amazing news!!
Yiddishe Chassidishe nachas
Bh bh
לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים
MAZEL TOV!!!! Mazel tov!!!There must be dancing and singing in the streets!!! Chasdei HaShem!!! A real Geulah for this family, the community and all klal Yisroel!!! MOSHIACH Now!!!