Thanking Hashem for Our Suffering

After all the pain that the Jews have suffered for 2000 years, how is it possible that we will thank Hashem for it? Rabbi Sholom Zirkind explains the prophecy ‘Odcha Hashem ki anafta bi‘ in this Geula and Moshiach shiur.

“Moshiach, When Will You Come?”

The famous story about the Baal Shem Tov asking Moshiach when he would come begs a question. Isn’t the answer for this already mentioned in the Gemara? Rabbi Sholom Zirkind explains ‘when your wellspring spread outwards,’ in this Geula and Moshiach Shiur.

When the Egyptian President Asked about the Rebbe

In the 1980s, while part of a delegation visiting Egypt, Israeli journalist Yisroel Katzover was called into the private study of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who died earlier today. The President then asked him a question about the Rebbe that startled him.

A Lubavitcher Eishes Chayil

Chabad Singer Eliasaf Chafetz and musician Yosef Zuldan recently released a beautiful new recording of Eishes Chayil to the Chabad tune of Niggun Shabbos v’Yom Tov.

Full Video: Basi L’gani 5740

As part of their 70 preparations for Yud Shevat, JEM has just released the full video of Basi L’gani 5740, the ma’amer being learned this year, with full English subtitles.

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