Crown Heights Women Gather in Support of Bikur Cholim

In a true display of unity and compassion, over 500 women of all ages came together for a Hakhel Breakfast aimed at celebrating the remarkable Bikur Cholim community. With inspiring speakers, a heartfelt video presentation, beautiful decor, and an outpouring of generosity, this event was as uplifting and meaningful as it was enjoyable.

Crown Heights Women Gather in Support of Bikur Cholim

In a true display of unity and compassion, over 500 women of all ages came together for a Hakhel Breakfast aimed at celebrating the remarkable Bikur Cholim community. With inspiring speakers, a heartfelt video presentation, beautiful decor, and an outpouring of generosity, this event was as uplifting and meaningful as it was enjoyable.

Listen: Acapella Melody of Popular Shavuos Songs

After feedback from last year’s video, a new vocals-only version of the medley, “Kabolas HaTorah” by Yaakov Shlomo Gross, with the Malchut Choir has been released to help prepare for Shavuos. The medley includes joyful Shavuos melodies and songs of Kabolas HaTorah and Mesikos HaTorah.

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