The Grade 7 boys of Cheder Chabad Toronto enthusiastically answered the Rebbe’s call this Chanukah, reaching out to every Jew with tremendous energy and chayus as they participated in Mivtzoim by setting up public menorah displays and distributing menorahs and candles to hundreds of Jewish families.
This year, the Grade 7 boys of Cheder Chabad Toronto took on a powerful mission to spread the light and joy of Chanukah throughout Toronto. With tremendous energy and chayus, they participated in Mivtzoim, setting up public menorah displays and distributing menorahs and candles to hundreds of Jewish families. Their efforts ensured that hundreds of families could fulfill the mitzvah of lighting Chanukah candles.
The boys didn’t stop there. Armed with tefillin, they ventured across Toronto to help fellow Jews put on tefillin. Over the course of Chanukah, they helped nearly 100 individuals don tefillin.
A significant part of their outreach was dedicated to pirsumei nisa.
The boys’ efforts reflected the Rebbe’s call to reach out to every Jew, wherever they may be. Through their dedication to Mivtzoim, the Grade 7 boys of Cheder Chabad Toronto proved that even young boys can be powerful shluchim, spreading the light of Torah and mitzvos far and wide.
The boys would like to extend their appreciation to their sponsor, Shalom Meyer of MHB Financial, their teacher Rabbi D. Blotner, without whom they could not have accomplished this mission, their principal Rabbi S. Bard-Wigdor, their chaperone Mendel Taxoupoules, and their drivers Rabbi Y. Chanowitz and Rabbi A. Yarmush, as well as the shluchim of Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto and Mesivta Ohr Temimim. Lastly, the boys are grateful to Hashem for enabling them to carry out this special project.
wow!!! that is tremendous work. hopefully, for Purim, I will encourage my class to go on mivtzoyim. but the simcha in that video is tremendous the boys dancing in stores the tefillin it is just so inspirational
Keep it up!
Keep Up the Good work, in lighting up the world and bringing Mashiach right now
Btw I Like the dance 🙂