When It Comes to Our Children, No Obstacle Is Too Big!

It’s early in the morning, and a talmid sets out for yeshiva, his heart filled with chayus, passion, and anticipation for the day ahead. But what happens when there are obstacles in his path?

It’s early in the morning, and a talmid sets out for yeshiva, his heart filled with chayus, passion, and anticipation for the day ahead. 

But what happens when there are obstacles in his path? 

Whether it’s a financial barrier, a ruchnius’dike setback, or even a lack of physical space, the roadblocks come in all shapes and sizes… 

At Oholei Torah, we don’t let them get in our way!  “Al taharas hakodesh” means we never compromise on the purity of our chinuch, no matter the circumstances. When the world says to slow down, we say, Ariber!

From the youngest 2-year-old talmid to the oldest 20-year-old bochur, from the early mornings to late nights, through winter, summer, and every moment in between—Oholei Torah stands unwaveringly with our community.

Not enough space in the building? Ariber! 

Beloved teacher needs a boost for a down payment? Ariber! 

Talmid requires specialized attention? Ariber!

Bringing in a new principal to manage the school buses? Adding 2 mashpi’im to elementary staff?

Ariber. Every single time.

Oholei Torah isn’t just a school; it’s the heart of the entire community. We’re there for every milestone: your chasunah, your chinuch, your farbrengens, your special events. If you travel thousands of miles away on shlichus, we’ll open the doors of our zal for your son. And if you remain in the shchuna, we’ll always look out for your children. 

Today, we turn to you. We ask you to open your hearts – and your wallets – for Oholei Torah! 

In the Rebbe’s words: 

אויך די פריינד און שטיצער פון “אהלי תורה” שליט”א זאלן, פון זייער זייט, ארויסווייזן דער “לכתחילה אריבער” אין זייער איבערגעבנקייט און שטיצע צו דעם מוסד

The friends and supporters of Oholei Torah should embody the spirit of “Lechatchila Ariber” by demonstrating unwavering dedication and support for the institution.

Think higher, Give bigger, Win MORE – It’s the Oholei Torah way.

Will you go Ariber with us?



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