With two weeks until Yud Shevat 75 years, Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim is hard at work preparing an array of exciting programs and events to uplift and inspire the thousands of Bochurim who will be arriving in New York to spend Yud Shevat at the Rebbe’s Ohel and in Beis Chayeinu, 770.
As we approach the milestone of 75 years of the Rebbe’s nesius, to be marked on Yud Shevat in just two weeks, Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim is hard at work preparing an array of exciting programs and events to uplift and inspire the thousands of Bochurim who will be arriving in New York to spend Yud Shevat at the Rebbe’s Ohel and in Beis Chayeinu, 770.
The goal is to ensure that every bochur is provided with the tools to use their time to the utmost, learning, davening, farbrenging, strengthening their connection to the Rebbe, and gathering strength and inspiration for the year ahead.
The Vaad Hatmimim has prepared a comprehensive program for Shabbos at the Ohel, with a variety of shiurim and farbrengens tailored to each age group of Bochurim, ensuring a truly uplifting and meaningful Shabbos experience.
On Motzei Shabbos, the Kinus Hatmimim Haolami will take place, bringing together over 2,000 Bochurim from 38 yeshivos. This is a powerful opportunity for the Bochurim to unite and gain strength, instilling in the Bochurim a deep sense of pride and appreciation for their special and unique zechus to be the Rebbe’s kinder.
On Sunday afternoon, the Grand Halikut Siyum will begin, culminating in a final test on the entire chelek Chof of Lekutei Sichos. Following the test, the top-scoring Bochurim will participate in a live competition, conducted by respected Rabbonim. The event will conclude with a special banquet to honor the Bochurim for their remarkable achievements and to inspire them to continue their dedication to learning and immersing themselves in the Rebbe’s Torah.
The goal of the Yud Shevat program is to ensure that every Bochur leaves the Rebbe’s court uplifted, energized, and with a meaningful, lasting experience that will continue to fuel their growth throughout the year.
To join in supporting this important and holy work, or to sponsor a specific program, please visit: VaadHatmimim.org/donate or contact [email protected].
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