When Gershon, a young man asked the Rebbe for direction in Chassidus study, the Rebbe directed him to a practicing Mashpia at the yeshiva in New York who could set out a curriculum for him. But the Rebbe had another piece of advice: Chassidus must be learned with persistence – na’aseh before nishma.
Naaseh before Nishma is a common theme in Chassidus avoda, to follow the Torah’s directive irrespective of one’s intellectual grasp of the reasoning.
However, in one case, the Rebbe guided someone to apply this principle in his actual learning as well.
Gershon, searching for direction in the area of Chassidus study, wrote to the Rebbe. In his response, the Rebbe suggested that he approach a practicing Mashpia at the yeshiva in New York, who will be able to design a curriculum for him.
But the Rebbe did leave Gershon with one nugget of advice:
“You must apply to your Chassidus learning, as in all areas of Torah study, the attitude of na’aseh precedes nishma. Meaning that before one begins to study, he must make a firm resolution to be successful despite the idiom of our Sages that ‘all beginnings are difficult.’”
(Igros Kodesh Vol 22 p. 315)
From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash
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