Shul Institutes No Phone Policy During Davening

The issue of cellphone interruption during davening has become a widespread issue, and many have spoken out against it, quoting the Alter Rebbe’s words in Tanya about appropriate decorum throughout davening. This Yom Tov, a Chabad shul in Chicago took a firm stance on the issue.

By reporter

The issue of cellphone interruption during davening has become a widespread issue, and many have spoken out against it, quoting the Alter Rebbe’s words in Tanya about appropriate decorum throughout davening. This Yom Tov, a Chabad shul in Chicago has taken a firm stance on the issue.

In an announcement on Yom Tov in shul and followed by personal letters to his mispalelim, Rabbi Levi Notik of FREE (Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe), a popular Chabad shul in the West Rogers Park section of Chicago, outlined a strict no-phone policy.

The new policy requires all mispalelim to completely silence their phones and prohibits any phone usage during davening – including using devices as digital siddurim.

“Please make sure your phone is silenced. Do not use your phone for calling, texting, or as a siddur,” the letter stated.

Rabbi Notik emphasized that this measure aims to enhance the kedusha of the shul and the quality of davening. In his letter, he expressed hope that “our collective efforts to increase kedushas beis haknesses and avodas hatefillah bring much blessing and success to each of you and your families.”


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  1. This is not rocket science. Besides a doctor on call, why does anyone need to take a phone to shul?

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