Rabbi Michah Steinmetz, 86, AH

Rabbi Michah (Abba Michel) Steinmetz, a chassidishe shochet and a mashpia at the 770 shul in Kfar Chabad, passed away on Tuesday, 27 Tishrei.

Rabbi Michah (Abba Michel) Steinmetz, a chassidishe shochet and a mashpia at the 770 shul in Kfar Chabad, passed away on Tuesday, 27 Tishrei.

He was 86 years old.

Born in Tel Aviv in Cheshvan 5699 (1938), Rabbi Steinmetz learned at the yeshivos in Lod and Kfar Chabad under the famous mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kesselman. He was nurtured in an environment of yiras Shomayim and hiskashrus to the Rebbe.

In 5722 (1962), he was among the first group of bochurim to travel to learn near the Rebbe in 770 as part of kvutza.

After returning, he married Yaffa Bruk, daughter of R’ Yisroel Bruk, and granddaughter of the mashpia R’ Chaim Shaul Bruk. After his marriage, he joined the kollel established in Kfar Chabad and was one of its first members. His chassidishe and humble demeanor made an impression on whoever met him.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Yafa Steinmetz, and children: Rabbi Yitzchok Steinmetz, Kfar Chabad; Rabbi Chaim Shaul Steinmetz, Sarasota, Florida; Rabbi Shlomo Steinmetz, Hollywood, Florida; Mrs. Tzipora Yudkin, Kfar Chabad; Mrs. Nechama Levitin, Lod; Mrs. Tzvia Sfaranovitch, Bnei Brak; and Mrs. Sarah Bar, Petah Tikva.

His grandson, Yisroel Yudkin, hy”d, from Kfar Chabad, was killed al kiddush Hashem six months ago while fighting terrorists in northern Gaza.


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