Over 1,100 parents logged in to watch the ProTECHtion panel featuring experts Rabbi Mendel Blau, Rabbi Dovid Churba and Dr. Sholom Augenbaum on how to best protect out children from the challenges posed by modern technology.
By Anash.org reporter
Over 1,100 parents logged in to watch the ProTECHtion panel featuring experts Rabbi Mendel Blau, Rabbi Dovid Churba and Dr. Sholom Augenbaum on how to best protect out children from the challenges posed by modern technology. The panel was moderated by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz who read questions sent in by parents.
A special booklet was distributed at the in-person event in the Roza Hall in Beis Rivkah Lefferts containing up-to-date resources with filtering options and advice for parents. A PDF of the booklet can be downloaded here.
I thought the event was about protecting ourselves and our children. The message I’m getting from this even is that we should try to say yes whenever possible. Is this really what we need to hear! To me it sounds like a weak approach.