Baby Girl
ג׳ סיון ה׳תשפ״ד - June 9, 2024

Camp Gan Yisroel Starts at the Top of the World

This week, the first Camp Gan Yisroel of the summer season in the USA opened in Alaska under shluchim Rabbi Yoske and Esty Greenberg. The camp is renowned for bringing the light and warmth of Yiddishkeit to Alaska’s children for over 33 years.


Live: Shavuos Shiur with Friends of Rabbi Yitzi

As a preparation for Matan Torah, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz invites you to join a class based on his article titled: Torah is True Fusion. The class will be given by Rabbi Yitzi’s friends, Rabbi Yudi Teichtel and Rabbi Yossi Kaplan.


Open Positions is looking to grow its staff of writers and content managers.

Suitable applicants can send a resume to [email protected]

We Are All Miracles of the Rebbe

“I was sitting at a Farbrengen with a guest Mashpia who shared that he was born through a special miracle from the Rebbe. But then a bochur challenged him, ‘How should I inspire myself if I am not a miracle of the Rebbe?'”


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Are you a chazan looking for a great position? is here to help! We’re hosting a comprehensive list to connect talented chazanim with Shluchim who want your expertise.
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New Kallah Retreat to Take Place This Summer

Ask any kallah engaged over the summer, and they’ll all say the same thing – there aren’t enough kallah teachers available. This year, a new initiative has been arranged to tackle this issue. 


‘You Were a Like a Father to Me’

In an letter to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky AH, California shliach Rabbi Raleigh Resnick thanks him for the care that came from his generous spirit, effervescent personality, charisma, good heart, and his devotion to the Rebbe.


The Rising Star of Chabad in Russia

Born to the esteemed chossid Radatz, Reb Mendel Chein was a gaon in Torah and an eloquent orator who served as a spokesperson for the Rebbe Rashab and Reb Chaim Brisker at the 1910 Rabbinic Conference.


Baby Girl
א׳ סיון ה׳תשפ״ד - June 7, 2024

Queens Yeshiva Announces New Staff

The ‘Queens Yeshiva,’ currently located in Crown Heights, announced a new comprehensive team of staff who will lead the yeshiva next year, in Elul 5785.


Here We Polish Our Heads

“You can remove your tie, and you don’t need to look so meticulous…” the Rebbe told someone at the Shavuos 5711 farbrengen, proceeding to relate a story of Reb Michoel der Alter and polishing shoes in Lubavitch.


The Rebbe’s English Letters on ‘Naaseh Venishma’

This week’s issue of Rebbe Responsa contains a collection of letters on Na’aseh V’Nishma, the unwavering acceptance of fulfilling the Torah, why such a commitment is necessary, and how it ultimately brings to the understanding of Mitzvos.


War Day 244: 30 Terrorists Eliminated in School, Hamas Attempt Gaza Border Breach

The entrance to a Hamas terror tunnel, found in a little girl’s bedroom in Rafah.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Forty Four: Precision airstrike eliminated around 30 terrorists in an UNRWA school, Hamas terrorists attempted to breach the border to Israel, and the Spanish government announced that they will join South Africa’s petition against Israel at the Hague Tribunal, on the charge of “genocide.”

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