New Rendition of Nostalgic ‘Oifen Pripershik’ Lullaby

‘Oifen Pripershik’ is a nostalgic lullaby about little boys learning Alef Beis, often referenced by the Rebbe. Hamesorah, the center for teaching Kriah according to tradition, is pleased to introduce a new rendition sung by R’ Berel Zucker.

Oifen Pripershick – is an old and famous nostalgic lullaby from the Shtetl, in which mothers would soothe their young children to sleep, imbuing them with values for the life that lay ahead.

The song starts off describing the warm atmosphere of the Cheder with the fire burning in the fireplace, and the teacher teaching the children Alef-Beis. It describes the teacher encouraging the students to learn with vigor and promising rewards to those performing best. The chorus has the teacher telling the children to repeatedly say “Komatz-Alef-Oh.”

Speaking to children struggling in learning, the song brings words of encouragement: that all beginnings are hard and it’s worth to toil acquiring the letters as there is no one happier than one who learns Torah.

Turning to all children, the song goes on to describe the holiness of the letters and the amount of tears it possesses. The song ends by saying that it is from these very letters that one can derive strength to overcome all of life’s obstacles that may arise while we are in Galus.

On occasions the Rebbe spoke of the specialty of this song – being it was a Minhag for mothers to sing this song to their children – and the messages we can learn from it.

One of the lessons the Rebbe derives from the song is the importance that we should teach Kriah to our children using the Mesorah method – Komatz-Alef-Oh. As the chorus goes, “Zog Shoin Noch Amol Und Takei Noch Amol Komatz-Alef-Oh” – “Say again and again Komatz-Alef-Oh.”

The song is a project of Hamesorah, founded by Rabbi Avrohom Schtroks, to make accessible and relevant the Mesorah way of teaching Kriah for today’s children, through training teachers with the practical methodology and creating a resource for teachers to assist children with their Kriah journey.

To listen to the song, click here.


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  1. This is a real masterpiece!

    Thank you, Berel for this beautiful rendition, I always wanted to play this song for my kids, but I couldn’t find one that would speak to my kids, Now I can finally play this song for my children.

    Michayil El Choyil!

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