Two Islamic terror suspects were detained in India for plotting to carry out a series of bombings. The suspects had carried out surveillance of the Chabad House in Mumbai, the scene of a deadly attack 15 years ago.
First Week at Camp Tzeirei Hatmimim
Camp Tzeirei Hatmimim in Suffield, CT concluded its first week, where talmidim were immersed in learning while enjoying activities in a chassidishe atmosphere.
Chossid’s Russian Remake Gets a Remake of Its Own
When the Rebbe’s health was improving after a heart attack, legendary Chassid Reb Yisroel Duchman took a traditional Russian melody and added lyrics of his own. Now, it has a remake of its own.
Don’t Forget The Unsung Heroes of Camp
From the Inbox: A frustrated staff member at a Chabad overnight camp writes that he feels that one of the most important aspects of camp are being overlooked.
Return of ‘Upshernish Season’ Makes for a Day Full of Simchos
After three weeks with no haircuts, and thus no upshernishen, Friday saw the return of the celebrations in full force, with 3 being celebrated just in 770.
The Doughs and Don’ts of a Challah Bake
Are you joining an upcoming Challah Bake? Rabbi Nissan Zibell of Kashrus: Be In the Know brings clarity on the halachos of hafrashas challah, as well as providing helpful lists to keep things simple.
Chabad Photographer Tours Stunning Georgia
Chabad photographer Dovber Hechtman traveled to the country of Georgia known for its stunning landscapes medieval fortresses, majestic mountains, and deep caves.
The Rebbe’s Personal Request for His Father’s Yahrzeit
In accordance with the Rebbe’s personal wish, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus will be sharing daily content related to the Rebbe’s father to help mark the day of Chof Av.
New Shluchim to Open 9th Chabad Center In Greater New Haven
Rabbi Shmaya and Hadassa Hecht have been appointed as the new Shluchim to Oxford, Connecticut. They will be opening the ninth Chabad Center in the Greater New Haven region.
Niggun Remake Will Have You Dancing
Get Ready to Dance: In preparation for the upcoming wedding season, Chabad singer Simche Friedman released a new single, a remake of a lively Chassidic tune that will get you dancing.
AI Paskening Halacha
Ask the Rov: Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is trained in halacha be relied upon? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin replies.
Recidivist Thief Removed From Crown Heights Streets
Last week, a recidivist thief was apprehended for multiple package thefts in the Crown Heights community thanks to collaboration between Shomrim volunteers and NYPD.
Early Morning Levaya For Rabbi Yitzchok Marton
The levaya for Rabbi Yitzchok Marton, director of Chesed Menachem Mendel, the Widows and Orphans Program of Colel Chabad, passed by 770 Eastern Parkway on Sunday morning.
New Shluchim to Swarthmore College
Rabbi Mordi and Reizel Wolf (nee Garelik) are the new Shluchim to Swarthmore College, a private liberal arts school in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
Tuesday: Renowned Speakers to Address Community-Wide Hakhel
A Hakhel gathering for the month of Av will be held at 770 for the wider Chabad community, with renowned speakers Rabbi Shloma Majeski and Rabbi Shais Taub. The MC will be Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm.
Rabbi Yitzchok Marton, 48, AH
Rabbi Yitzchok Marton, director of Chesed Menachem Mendel, the Widows and Orphans Program of Colel Chabad, who touched countless lives with his selfless dedication and boundless compassion, passed away on Shabbos.
Will You Be There for Bonei Olam Chabad?
Bonei Olam Chabad invites you to an extraordinary event, where you can be a partner in transforming a couple’s greatest dream into our community’s tomorrow.
The Mashpia Who Raised Bochurim Who Could Think
A mashpia, menahel and a secretary for the Frierdiker Rebbe, Reb Chatche Feigin was a towering intellectual and a courageous leader. He had a keen discernment for sincerity and he raised his students to be discerning themselves.
Erev Shabbos Nachamu Around Crown Heights
With the Nine Days behind us, the streets and shops of Crown Heights buzzed with residents and guests preparing for Shabbos Parshas Voeschanon – Shabbos Nachamu.
Download and Print: Shabbos Digest
Download and print for your Shabbos reading pleasure: The Shabbos Digest presents the top stories, commentary, opinions and columns from the past week, in a print-friendly format.
Watch: Reb Yoel On Parshas Va’eschanan
Watch: A short lesson by Reb Yoel Kahn on Parshas Va’eschanan with an English transcript.
Rabbi Zvi Dovber Pachter, 61, AH
Rabbi Zvi Dovber (Berel) Pachter, a beloved mashpia and mechanech in Brunoy, France and a well-known baal menagen, passed away on Tisha B’Av, 5783.
Yeshivas Chayolei Beis Dovid Concludes Inaugural Year
This past Tuesday, a Siyum celebration took place in Yeshivas Chayolei Beis Dovid of the Poconos, marking the end of their first year. The event was held with the participation of the Temimim’s parents.