The Rebbe’s Personal Request for His Father’s Yahrzeit

In accordance with the Rebbe’s personal wish, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus will be sharing daily content related to the Rebbe’s father to help mark the day of Chof Av.

As early as Motzei Tisha b’Av, the Rebbe requested that Chassidim mark the special day of Chof Av, his father’s Yartzeit-Hilula, by learning the Torah of HoRav Levi Yitzchok, giving Tzedakah, and taking lessons from his life.

“The Shabbos following 15 B’Av is Chof Av, the Yahrtzeit and Hilula of my father Rav Levi Yitchok ben Boruch Schneur z”l – forty years now. I feel a responsibility as well as a privilege to suggest and request, etc, that all should learn together from his teachings, and contribute [tzedoka] on this day in his memory; For he devoted his life to spread Yiddishkeit among the Jews behind the Iron Curtain, resulting in his imprisonment and sentence in exile, where he perished and is now interred. May his merit protect us, amongst all of the Jewish people, Shlita.” – A letter from Motzei Tisha b’Av 5744

In accordance with the Rebbe’s personal wish, Or Vechom Hahsikashrus will be sharing daily insights into the incredible life and teachings of the Rebbe’s father over the next few days leading up to Chof Av.

Message “Leben” to +1 (413) 591-8388 or visit to join the Daily לעבן status and receive the daily content!


In honor of Chof Av, the Yom Histalkus of the Rebbe’s father, HoRav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, which we will be marking in just a week, Or Vechom Hahiskashrus is pleased to present our Chof Av resource site including links to all of the Rebbe’s FarbrengensEnglish articlesFarbrengens and ShiurimMishnayostens of publications to aid learning the Torah of HoRav Levi Yitzchokchild-friendly material, and much more.

Visit to browse the full site!

Chof Av Youtube Playlist from Or Vechom

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