Will You Be There for Bonei Olam Chabad?

Bonei Olam Chabad invites you to an extraordinary event, where you can be a partner in transforming a couple’s greatest dream into our community’s tomorrow. 

This summer, Bonei Olam Chabad invites you to show up for those still dreaming and davening for a family of their own. Will you be there? 

It could be the young couple down the hall, the person davening next to you in Shul, a former classmate or your own family member or chavrusa.

This is your opportunity to be there for them.

Men, join Bonei Olam at the Arches, a beautiful venue located right here in Crown Heights.

Open your hearts and hear a personal story of Bonei Olam’s impact. Be inspired by Rabbi Bochner, founder of Bonei Olam. Join together with your hosts, Choni Milecki and Rabbi Shmuel Wagner and hundreds of others, for an uplifting kumzitz with the one and only Mordechai Ben David.

Calling all fathers, brothers, and uncles, BE THERE and bring your friends. Transform a couple’s dream into our community’s tomorrow. Together, let’s invest in the future.

Ladies upstate, join Bonei Olam Chabad in Monticello for an incredible morning at Bourbon Cafe.

Every neshama that comes down into this world brings Moshiach one step closer.

Together, let’s make miracles and build worlds. 

Partner with Bonei Olam as we raise $1.3M to help 100 couples in our community!


RSVP for Men’s Event: 


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