On Monday, Chai Elul, Released Time kicked off the school year of 5784, gathering the teachers with a conference filled with insightful workshops and engaging discussions and several guest speakers.
Seize the Last Moments of Shnas Hakhel
In recent days, a Michtov Kloli of the Rebbe dated from “the days of Selichos 5727” has been circulating. This letter carries a special, timely message. Just like this year, the letter was written at the conclusion of a Hakhel year.
‘Chai’ Years Of Alumni Reconnect At Cincinnati Reunion
Eighteen years of alumni of Tomchei Temimim Cincinnati gathered Wednesday night in Crown Heights for a Yeshiva reunion, with members of the yeshiva staff.
Crown Heights Street Fight Ends in Gunfire
Gunshot fire was heard last night in the vicinity of Kingston between Empire and Lefferts in Crown Heights. Reports of a Jewish target are unfounded.
Baltimore Anash Join Together For Grand Chai Elul Farbrengen
Over 100 members of anash of Baltimore showed up for the grand Chai Elul farbrengen held for the first time in the cheder’s brand new hall.
How To Keep Kosher Without A Kitchen
Do you know someone who wants to go kosher, but is faced with the challenge of living with their family that doesn’t? Fret no more. Here to guide those exact situations, is this handy guide written by Rabbi Nissan Zibell.
More Than a Camp, Yeka Girls Is a Family
The Yeka camp is a place where campers from all around come to spend time in a warm home with their Jewish camp family. It is a life changing experience for all who attend.
When the Rebbe’s Library Went Underground
Over the years, as the Rebbe’s library continued growing, it began taking up more and more space. Rabbi Berel Levine relates the full history of the library’s expansions from the 1940s until today.
Shluchim Join Together to “Make Berlin – Lubavitch”
During hakafos on Simchas Torah one year, the Rebbe told a chossid to “Make Berlin – Lubavitch!” The Rebbe’s shluchim to Berlin gathered in New York this week with that mission statement in mind.
‘OneMitzvah’ Makes Rosh Hashanah Resolutions Even More Practical
With Rosh Hashanah just around the corner, millions of Jews around the world are making preparations to usher in the New Year, and many are using an innovative tool.
Singer Performs Age-Old Chabad Niggun With Newer Addition
Lubavitcher singer Isrolik Bash performs the age-old Chabad niggun ‘Elu v’Elu Omrim’, a haunting niggun about teshuva, together with a more recent addition.
Appreciation Dinner Thanks ‘Igud’ Supporters
150 friends and supporters participated last night in a prestigious event to salute the participants of the ‘Yishshachar and Zevulun’ learning program, for the students of Kevutza.
Three Weeks of Tragedy and Hope on First Spanish-Language Trip
For the Jewish teens from South America who recently returned from an emotionally charged tour of Eastern Europe and Israel, the trip provided daily experiences of tragedy and hope that left them more committed to Judaism.
Monsey Boys Welcomed Back to Cheder
The boys of Cheder Chabad Monsey returned to school this week rejuvenated after the summer break. They were greeted by the warm smiles of the devoted staff and by a spotless fresh shining building.
Senior Chacham Visits Crown Heights, 770 and the Ohel
Chacham Nissim Ben-Shimon, Rosh Av Bet Din of Tel Aviv, visited the Rebbe’s Ohel on Tuesday and paid a visit to Crown Heights, where he met with members of the community and the Beis Din.
Wedding: Sudak – Goldberg
The wedding of Levi Sudak of London, England and Rivkah Goldberg of Crown Heights took place Tuesday night at Razag.
Newly Rebuilt Zal in Lubavitch Dedicated With Joyous Celebration
Hundreds of bochurim from across Russia gathered in the town of Lubavitch for an impressive ceremony dedicating the newly rebuilt ‘Zal’ together with a hachnasas Sefer Torah, three brissin and a pidyon haben.
How Newspapers Promote Neshek On Their Own Initiative
Around the world, the Rebbe’s shluchim work to bring the light of Shabbos candles to their fellow Jews. Sometimes, the non-Jewish press joins along and promotes the idea on their own initiative.
Cutting a Number-Shaped Cake?
Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including starting mincha early, yichud questions when hosting, cake in the shape of a number, and selichos with a chosson.
Wedding: Silverman – Gansburg
The wedding of Mendel Silverman of Marietta, Georgia and Chaya Gansburg of Palmetto Bay, Florida took place at Oholei Torah.
Picture of the Day
Bochurim pose in front of the newly-rebuilt ‘Zal’ building in the original town of Lubavitch, constructed to look exactly like the original Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim. Joining them were Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar and Rabbi Itche Kogan.
Beis Chaya Mushka High School Finds Solution for Labor Day
Despite Chai Elul falling out on Labor Day, with Crown Heights schools closed, Beis Chaya Mushka High School found a way to celebrate the auspicious day.
Lubavitch Yeshiva Ocean Parkway’s First Week Back
As summer comes to an end, Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Ocean Parkway is buzzing with activity as students, both new and returning, kick off another school year.